Need to change format of number

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# 8  
Old 09-13-2009
In that case, the compulsive consumer that I am agrees.Smilie
# 9  
Old 09-14-2009
maybe you can try below perl

open FH,"<a.txt";
  my @tmp=split(",",$_);
  map {s/(?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?:\.[0-9]*)?$)/,/g;} @tmp;
  print join ":", @tmp;
  print "\n";
close FH;

# 10  
Old 09-15-2009
Thanks for your replies

Tried with all the options provided,
Sorry for the typo in my question , but trying to generate a generic thousand format for all the numbers provided.
Also was hit with a development, to include -ve numbers as well.The function comma works good for positive values, but not able to get around the code to using the function for -ve numbers.

If i try to use the format option, >
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 nawk -F, -v OFS=":" '{
    for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
}' file.csv

$cat file.csv


Not able to find any change in the format for the thousand separator, either for +ve or negative numbers.

locale -a

Smilie. Think this is going to take some time.

---------- Post updated at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:43 PM ----------

A Simple logic hit me and it worked, Smilie
This will work for negative numbers as well.

function commas(n) {
 if ( n > -1000 && n < 1000 ) return n

 if(n > 1000 || n == 1000)
     point = index(n,".") - 1
     if (point < 0) point = length(n)
        while (point > 3) 
             point -= 3
         n = substr(n,1,point) "," substr(n,point + 1)

if( n < -1000 || n == -1000)
         point = index(n,".") - 1
         if (point < 0) point = length(n) ;
                while (point > 3)
                 point -= 3
                 n = substr(n,1,point) "," substr(n,point + 1)
n= "-" n
 return n

Thanks for your response Smilie
# 11  
Old 09-15-2009
It seems to work fine with the en_US.UTF-8 locale you also have on you box. Don't forget to temporarily force the locale to that en_US value at the run time of your script.

For a variable number of decimal (i.e. no decimal at all when not in input file):
$ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 awk -F, -v OFS=":" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)$i=sprintf("%\047*.*f",length($i),index($i,".")?length($i)-index($i,"."):0,$i)}1' file

For a fixed nimber of decimal even when no decimal provided in input file:
$ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 awk -F, -v OFS=":" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)$i=sprintf("%\047.2f",$i)}1' file

If you don't like changing all the locale, you can restrict the change to LC_NUMERIC to the same effect.

Last edited by ripat; 09-15-2009 at 05:39 AM..
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