compare dates

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# 1  
Old 09-06-2009
compare dates

I want to compare a list of dates in a file with today's date & list only dates that are less than only 60 days old . please help . the date in the file are in format


# 2  
Old 09-06-2009
What's your OS/shell ? And are you looking for a shell script or something else. If you have a large file to process, I would recommend languages like awk, perl or python. Otherwise, if your OS has the GNU date command, have a look here:
# 3  
Old 09-06-2009
#!/usr/bin/env ksh
while read daterecord; do
  (( agedifference=($(date '+%s')-$(date -d $daterecord '+%s'))/24/3600 ))
  if (( agedifference < MAX_AGEDAYS )); then
    echo $daterecord
done < "$1"

Usage: datefilter datefile
You can replace "ksh" with "bash" that will work too.

or on the command line:
while read dr; do  if (( ($(date '+%s')-$(date -d $dr '+%s'))/24/3600 < 60 )); then echo $dr; fi; done < datefile

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 09-06-2009 at 06:31 AM..
# 4  
Old 09-06-2009
One way to do it in Perl:

$ cat f1
$ ##
$ perl -nle 'BEGIN{use Date::Simple('today','ymd');
>            %mon=qw(JAN 1 FEB 2 MAR 3 APR 4 MAY 5 JUN 6
>                    JUL 7 AUG 8 SEP 9 OCT 10 NOV 11 DEC 12)}
>            chomp; @x=split/-/; $tdate = ymd($x[2],$mon{$x[1]},$x[0]);
>            print if $tdate-today() > -60' f1

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