Variables in shell script

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# 1  
Old 09-03-2009
Variables in shell script

mysqldump --compact --add-drop-table -h192.168.150.80 -uroot -p somePass $combined | sed '/$combined/$table/g' | mysql $database

The sed part is not working from the above statement.
The variables combined and table are already defined and instead of showing the actual variable, it is executing the $/combined/$table in the sed part.
How do I replace the variables and then use the sed command?
# 2  
Old 09-03-2009
That is becuase the single qout ' character prevents the shell from "translating" the variable. It sees it as a literal $variablename.

Change the ' to double quotes "
# 3  
Old 09-03-2009
No quotes when double quotes

When I used double quotes, the grep statement translates without any quotes.
# 4  
Old 09-04-2009
Did you get the desired output ?..

If not , post the sample input and the output your expecting .
# 5  
Old 09-10-2009

The problem was resoved when I added the "s" in double quotes like this...

sed "s/$combined/$table/g"
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