Dynamic SQL for where clause

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# 1  
Old 09-03-2009
Dynamic SQL for where clause


I have an app which user can query the database based on 4 criteria, that is Field1, Field2, Field3 and Field4

Mya I know how to write a dynamic SQL where I can choose to retrieve data based on their selected value.

eg. where Field1=AAA
eg. where Field1=AAA and Field2=BBB
eg. where Field2=BBB and Field4=CCC, etc.

I have been trying to code:

mySQL="Select Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4 from table1 "

if [ $field1 != "All" ] ; then
myWhere=" where Field1='$field1' " ;
myWhere=" where Field1 like '%' " ;

if [ $field2 != "All" ] ; then
myWhere= ${myWhere} || " minus " || ${mySQL} || ${myWhere} || " and Field2 <> '$field2' " ;

if [ $field3 != "All" ] ; then
myWhere= ${myWhere} || " minus " || ${mySQL} || ${myWhere} || " and Field3 <> '$field3' " ;

if [ $field4 != "All" ] ; then
myWhere= ${myWhere} || " minus " || ${mySQL} || ${myWhere} || " and Field4 <> '$field4' " ;

mySQL=${mySQL} || ${myWhere} ;

sqlplus -S "$ORACCS" <<-__EOF__
${myWhere} ;

I am hitting syntax error while trying to compare Field2. Please advise how should I create a dynamic SQL. Thanks in advance.

# 2  
Old 09-03-2009
How is your script being called? Does your table just contain Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4? If it contains more than those 4 fields, do you want the entire record or just those 4 fields or just the fields specified by the user?
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