thank you for explaining that Tyler. Im pretty new to this so its quite hard for me to get my head around
I guess end goal is to have a view which will show the "latest" record for that tuple
unless that record has has a nic_status of "removed", in which case i dont want to it to return a value for that nic_name at all
For example .... If I have 4 'nic_names' bge0, bge1, bge2 and bge3, and the "latest" time stamped record for 'nic_name' bge1 has nic_status of "removed" , then I would want
NO record for bge1 to appear on the view at all ! same goes for any other interfaces
so my view for example will only have latest records for
With this in mind, I guess the answer to your question would be that the predicate would go in the outer query as effectively i would want to
a) get all the latest records for each unique interface
b) once this is all in, return only those that
dont have nic_status of "removed"
apologies for the lack of knowledge on how views are organised but would you be able to advise whereabouts in the view, i would place my WHERE statement.. I am having trouble working out which is the inner query and which is the outer ...would I put an "AND" after the current WHERE statement or do I need a whole new WHERE statement in there
Thanks again for helping me with this