Find command, -name by directory and subdirectory?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Find command, -name by directory and subdirectory?
# 15  
Old 08-31-2009
Originally Posted by reborg
Unfortunately this is not portable. Maxdepth is not universal.

Judging by the examples posted if the directory is "three" and contains the file that's it, there was no maximum depth criteria set.
I appreciate everyone's help. I was surprised by the number of responses Smilie

The following will work fine if somone knows of a way to specify only the last 2 child most subdirectories in the find directory path (there can be a variable number of parent directories unfortunately, so I can't just '/*/*/child/child it):

find /one_or_more_parent_dirs/2nd_last_child_dir/last_child_dir -name file1.txt

# 16  
Old 08-31-2009
Clear as mud.
It would really help us "makodarear" if you could present a syntactically correct example mentioning the directory "three" and the filename "file1" and making it emphatically clear (preferably with examples) what constitutes a match.
The reason that there are many reponses is because the requirement is ambiguous

Ps. Knowing what Operating System and Shell you are using would concentrate the mind and give better a chance of a specialist responding.
# 17  
Old 08-31-2009
Sounds like you might want to:
- Parse the entire directory tree with find - report only on directories.
- use awk to split the result of find using "\" as the field seperator
    if the last field of the awk result matches your directory variable
    then proceed to check THAT directory for the file
- return all instances where this is a match.

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