Pattern matching in shell scripting.

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# 1  
Old 08-27-2009
Pattern matching in shell scripting.

Hey Guys,

I have a shell script that is very simple and does the following.
set -x
echo -n "can you write device drivers?"
read answer
if [ $answer = Y ]
   echo "wow, you must be very skilled"
   echo "neither can i, i am just shell script"

you see where the $answer = Y, i need it to match a pattern , because the obvious problem here is that if i entered "yes" the loop would please let me know if anything can be done about it.

# 2  
Old 08-27-2009
hope this help you.

while [ "true" ]
	echo -n "can you write device drivers?"
	read answer
	case $answer in
			echo "YES xD"
			echo "NO :("
			echo "Bye!!"
 		*)	echo "Wrong response"

# 3  
Old 08-27-2009
Hey chipcmc,

i tried your script and it essentially does the same thing as the original code. what i should be able to do is, upon entering a combination of "y", "Y", "Yes" , it should say it was successful and any other word should be deemed as a failure.

# 4  
Old 08-27-2009
?¿ what is the objective? is that response only could be:
are the correct?....
for this you only to need more conditions in you if :
echo -n "can you write device drivers?"
read answer
if [ $answer = 'Y' ] || [ $answer = "Yes" ] || [ $answer = 'y' ]
   echo "wow, you must be very skilled"
   echo "neither can i, i am just shell script"

# 5  
Old 08-27-2009
hey chipcmc,

Thank you for the help. the conditions that you gave me really helped!. Appreciate it

Arsenal Boy
# 6  
Old 08-28-2009
If that can help you a bit more, you can write:

echo -n "can you write device drivers?"
read answer
case $(echo "$answer" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]) in
	y|yes|oui|si|'of course'*)
		echo "wow, you must be very skilled"
		echo "neither can i, i am just shell script"

exit 0

$(echo "$answer" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]) will always return answer in lower case.
$ ./
can you write device drivers?Of course, I can
wow, you must be very skilled

# 7  
Old 08-28-2009
hey tukuyomi,

this is exactly what i needed. thank you very much. appreciate your help mate.

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