run oracle query remotly with shell script

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# 1  
Old 08-25-2009
run oracle query remotly with shell script


how to run shell script to excute oracle queries on remote db ?

i have tried as following
sqlplus -s user/password@remote_server "select query;"
but not working
also this one
sqlplus -s user/password@remote_server `select query;`
not working Smilie
i add this line to run another .sql file like this one :
sqlplus -s user/password@remote_server /oracle.sql
but also not working

thanks to help how to do that and excute the data

# 2  
Old 08-25-2009
sqlplus -s user/password@${ORACLE_SID} 'select query;'

# 3  
Old 08-25-2009
Originally Posted by vgersh99
sqlplus -s user/password@${ORACLE_SID} 'select query;'

the script should run to excute sql query on remote machine..
sqlplus -s user/password@${ORACLE_SID} 'select query;'
not working ,.
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
i added the tns name for the remote machine after $remote_server but not working
# 4  
Old 08-25-2009
Do you have an Oracle client installed on a LOCAL machine?
If so, is tns_names configured correctly? Can you tnsping remote DB by its SID from LOCAL machine?
# 5  
Old 08-25-2009

thanks for ur support it works like the follwoing
sqlplus -s user/password@remote_server @sql.file

and in the sql.file i add all queries i wants ,,

thanks man for ur support Smilie

---------- Post updated at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:19 PM ----------

Originally Posted by vgersh99
Do you have an Oracle client installed on a LOCAL machine?
If so, is tns_names configured correctly? Can you tnsping remote DB by its SID from LOCAL machine?
can u help me how to add the output into file so i can load later into mysql db ?

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