How do you convert scientific time to standard

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How do you convert scientific time to standard
# 1  
Old 08-20-2009
Question How do you convert scientific time to standard

Hi All, I'm new to this forum, and appreciate any assistance with my issue.
I have a shell script that logs into an oracle DB and runs a sqlplus query. Everything works great except for the time I get. I'm new to shell so bare with me. What would be the code and where do I place it?

My results are this
I need it to be seen as myjob1 hh:mm:ss: MM/DD/YY

Here is my code


sqlplus -S myusername/mypassword@MYDATABASE <<eof> myfile
       set heading off feedback off verify off

Thanks for any help
# 2  
Old 08-20-2009
Is not the solution, but, try this:

leo@lein:~$ echo 1.1915E+12|bc -l

Format more friendly.
# 3  
Old 08-20-2009

Try using to_char...

sqlplus -S myusername/mypassword@MYDATABASE <<eof> myfile
set heading off feedback off verify off
select JOB.JOBNAME, to_char( JOBRUN.ENDTIME, 'HH24:MI:SS MM/DD/YY' ) from JOB, JOBRUN where JOB.JOBID = JOBRUN.JOBID and JOB.JOBNAME in ('myjob1');

# 4  
Old 08-20-2009
you could use the TO_CHAR function.

sqlplus -S myusername/mypassword@MYDATABASE <<eof> myfile
       set heading off feedback off verify off

alternatively, you can set the global date format in sqlplus like this:
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='<my_format>';

more info on time/date formatting here.
# 5  
Old 08-20-2009
That almost got it, at least now I'm in epoc time
I didwhat you posted, and it gave me an error, so I removed the 'MM/DD/YY' from the query and that's how I got the epoc time. So almost there, I may be able to find some more info now. unless you guys have a quick code. Then I have to start working on grabbing the newest Time

Now it reads
# 6  
Old 08-20-2009
I don't believe the query is wrong (certainly not from two identical posts). Show us exactly what your query was, and the error.
# 7  
Old 08-20-2009
You must've typed something incorrectly.
Have a look at this Oracle session to understand both techniques:

test@XE> create table t (x number, y date);

Table created.

test@XE> insert into t (x,y)
  2  select 1, to_date('12/31/2008 13:23:47','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual union all
  3  select 2, to_date('2/4/2009 9:19:34','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual union all
  4  select 3, to_date('5/24/2009 19:23:58','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;

3 rows created.

test@XE> commit;

Commit complete.

test@XE> -- (1) using to_char function
test@XE> select y, to_char(y,'hh24:mi:ss mm/dd/yy') y_fmt from t;

Y           Y_FMT
------------------ -----------------
31-DEC-08       13:23:47 12/31/08
04-FEB-09       09:19:34 02/04/09
24-MAY-09       19:23:58 05/24/09

test@XE> -- (2) using nls_date_format
test@XE> alter session set nls_date_format = 'hh24:mi:ss mm/dd/yy';

Session altered.

test@XE> -- now you don't have to put that to_char around the date column
test@XE> select y from t;

13:23:47 12/31/08
09:19:34 02/04/09
19:23:58 05/24/09


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