AWK help to add up sequential values

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Old 08-20-2009
AWK help to add up sequential values

Hello All!
As a beginner user i want to add up sequential values in a text file and want to print total sum as output.The Text file will have values like the following:
class1{root}>less SUM.txt
1140.00 1155.00 1183.00 ... # it continues #

i tried to write a script with for-do looping and awk inside the loop but it didnt work (not a surprise to me Smilie ) And i dont know how to end up the looping as it should detect the last value in file (for ex: if there is 5 values it should stop when AWK detects that 6th value is zero). Could you help me please..

for (( i=1; i<=100; i++ ))   do  

cat SUM.txt  |  awk '{total += $i} END {printf "%15.2f\n",total}'

if  [ "$awk'{printf "%15.2f\n",total}" -eq  0 ]

then break  ## or end up the loop and print the result ##

Last edited by EAGL€; 08-20-2009 at 03:30 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-20-2009
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