I have a sample file like this
I would like to replace values starts with comma with just value like 0, to 0 or 1667, to 1667.
I can do with this by using tr -d '0,' '0' <file
But the problem having here is I would like to replace only single value that has comma like 0, or 1667, not the multiple valuse with commas like 1281,870, or 0,1281,
Briefly with out confusion
I have to remove the commas of all single values (1667 0)
I have to remove the last commas of all multiple values (1281,870 0,1281)
I am looking for bash or awk script to solve the following.
Input File 1:
>Min_0-t10270-RA|>Min_0-t10270-RA protein AED:0.41 eAED:0.46 QI:0|0|0|0.25|1|1|4|0|190
>Min_0-t10271-RA|>Min_0-t10271-RA protein... (5 Replies)
I posted a topic requesting help with a script to replace certain things in an XML file
The replies helped a lot but I found that on big files it didn't work properly.
The file I'm amending is... (5 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Give the vi command for replacing all occurances of the string "DOS" with the string "UNIX" in the whole... (4 Replies)
i have a script that will find a certian pattern and replace it with blank space
for i in `cat test.txt | grep "UTILINET" | cut -c 172-191`
perl -pi -e 's/$i//g' test.txt
echo "Completed"
the command gives some of the below strings
50032E1B ... (5 Replies)
hi guys!!!
i am writing a script in which i take an input from user and find it in a file and replace it.
My input file looks like
what your name?
my code looks is
echo "Enter the name"
read name
exec 0<$FILE
... (3 Replies)
I have a data of the form
0.0117843924 0. 0. 0. 0.
0.011036017 0. 0. 0. 0.
0.0103351669 0. 0. 0. 0.
4839.41211 0. 0. 0. 0.
4532.08203 0. 0. 0. 0.
I would like to insert a couple of blank lines before the 4839 line, every time it appears. The numbers in the... (2 Replies)
In a file FILE, the following lines appear :
WORD 8 8 8
Directly in the prompt, if I type
$sed '/WORD/s/8/10/g' FILE
it replace the 8's by 10's in file :
$cat FILE
WORD 10 10 10
... (9 Replies)
I have a entry in the file as
::BSNL GUJARAT::India::OUT::NAT::REWEL::POSTPAID::919426199995
if u see this, i have the delimiter as :: ,
all i want is to replace "::" as ":"
so how to do that..
pls help
thanks (10 Replies)
I want to carry out search & replace for the paths mentioned in the file with the help of vi.
'abc/' to be replaced by 'abc/data'
When I use command in vi as below -
it gives me an error.
How we should deal with '/' part in string for vi search & replace?
... (6 Replies)