Removing inserted newlines from a fileld of fixed width file.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Removing inserted newlines from a fileld of fixed width file.
# 1  
Old 08-18-2009
Error Removing inserted newlines from a fileld of fixed width file.

Hi champs!

I have a fixed width file in which the records appear like this

11111 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 11111 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 11111
22222 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 22222 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 22222
33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> description 
for 33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 33333
44444 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 44444 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 44444

As you see, the record for 33333 is split into two records because of newline inserted in description of 33333. I want these extraneous newlines from description field to be removed for records where ever they appear in the file.
Clues can be : check the file for length 11 -32 for each record and if newline is present strip it off.
Any other solution is welcome too.
I want the output to be :

11111 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 11111 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 22222
22222 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 22222 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 22222
33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 22222 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 33333
44444 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 44444 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 44444

- it is not fixed that line break will appear after 'description' can appear anywhere in the second field.But it is sure that it will appear in second field only, incase it appears.

- This is just the sample record for understanding, code should not be dependent on it.The code can be dependent on positioning if required.
It is a fixed width file that means each filed is identified by length in the record.

Please let me know if you need more clarification.

Last edited by enigma_1; 08-18-2009 at 06:55 PM.. Reason: code tags, PLEASE!
# 2  
Old 08-18-2009
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Thank You.

The UNIX and Linux Forums

---------- Post updated at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:38 PM ----------

something to start with...

'len' is a known/expected length of ALL the records (assuming they are of the same length) - defaulted to '73'.

Assumption: there's only ONE extra new-line per 'broken' record.
nawk -f enigma.awk myFile
nawk -v len=63 -f enigma.awk myFile

length < len {
   if (length(s)) { print s OFS $0;s=""}
   else s=$0

# 3  
Old 08-19-2009
Thanks vgersh !!

The code you provided worked for me for the records broken into two.
But I have some more problems. Hope you can help.
As ytou mentioned in your assumption that record is divided into two records only.
Unfortunately In my file I have just one record which is divided into three records.

33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> description 
33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 33333

which needs to be :

33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> description for 33333 <fixed spaces such as 6> some more field to the record of 33333

Can we have some modification to the enigma.awk program to take care of record break to three records?? If I can ask for more, Can we have the code to take care of any level of record break heirarchy for each record?
I guess you need some identification for each records start.

In my file each new record starts from column(length)= 16. If any record starts from before length 16, it is continuation of previous record.

Thank you once again!
# 4  
Old 08-19-2009
length < len {
   if (length(s)) { s=s OFS $0}
   else s=$0
   if (length(s) == len) { print s; s=""}

# 5  
Old 08-19-2009
What is the length of a record?

# 6  
Old 08-19-2009
I might be wrong, but isn't this the very type of problems the "fmt" simple optimal formatter tool was created for?

"fmt -w <your desired line length here>" should do the trick.

I hope this helps.

# 7  
Old 08-19-2009
Originally Posted by bakunin
I might be wrong, but isn't this the very type of problems the "fmt" simple optimal formatter tool was created for?

"fmt -w <your desired line length here>" should do the trick.

I hope this helps.

good tip - forgot about fmt - thanks.
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