SED extract url - please help a lamer

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# 1  
Old 08-17-2009
SED extract url - please help a lamer

Hello everybody.

I have lines that looks something like this:

<done16=""118"" done18=""$ title=""thisisatitle"" href=""/JoeBanana" alt=""Joe""><done16=""118"" done18=""$ title=""thisisatitle"" href=""/GeraldGiraffe" alt=""Gerald"">

What kind of SED command would I need to use to extract into this format:

I really should learn but it is getting late and I am getting tired. Anyone that helps me out will have my undying gratitude.

# 2  
Old 08-18-2009
xx='<done16=""118"" done18=""$ title=""thisisatitle"" href=""/JoeBanana" alt=""Joe""><done16=""118"" done18=""$ title=""thisisatitle"" href=""/GeraldGiraffe" alt=""Gerald"">'
echo $xx | sed 's~^[^/]\+/\([^"]\+\)".*/\([^"]\+\).*$~\1\n\2~

# 3  
Old 08-18-2009
Thanks edidataguy ! Running that one in my terminal just jumps a line, and gives me a blinking prompt. I will check further.

So what if the original line changes ? What is the syntax to only capture what comes after href="" and before the next " ? Like in the previous example:
# 4  
Old 08-18-2009
It is supposed to do exactly what you asked for.

Sorry, I think I missed a quote at the end.
Trhy this:
echo $xx | sed 's~^[^/]\+/\([^"]\+\)".*/\([^"]\+\).*$~\1\n\2~'

# 5  
Old 08-18-2009
hey edidataguy

You're my hero. That did it. Thanks !
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