If in awk

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# 1  
Old 08-14-2009
If in awk

Hi all i have a file called awk_test1.txt which is like this
there are multiple records like this in the file, and i want to pick 92 from

D092000 and in case its like this D002000, i just want to pick 2.
This needs to be done for the whole file.
i m doing this thru awk , but dnt know how a check using an if condition in awk.

Please help
# 2  
Old 08-14-2009
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# 3  
Old 08-14-2009
Originally Posted by richa2.m
i m doing this thru awk , but dnt know how a check using an if condition in awk.

Please help
Check one of the awk tutorials here:


# 4  
Old 08-15-2009
This enough, if you like to make number.
       print num

# 5  
Old 08-15-2009
 awk '{print int(substr($1,3,2))}'  file

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