compare & split files

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting compare & split files
# 8  
Old 08-12-2009
The last line of the awk code:

' file CC29072009_CELPCU01.dnr CC04082009_CELPCU04.dnr CC25072009_CELPCU07.dnr

should be, assuming the merged file is in the current directory (otherwise specify the full path):

' nid_lec_rej_20090804_merged /arbor/FX/data/remote/cpm/output/WORK_TEMP/toDINER/CC29072009_CELPCU01.dnr /arbor/FX/data/remote/cpm/output/WORK_TEMP/toDINER/CC04082009_CELPCU04.dnr /arbor/FX/data/remote/cpm/output/WORK_TEMP/toDINER/CC25072009_CELPCU07.dnr

# 9  
Old 08-12-2009
Thanks a lot for your inputs, its working absolutely fine.

And my mistake i didnt read file

' file CC29072009_CELPCU01.dnr CC04082009_CELPCU04.dnr CC25072009_CELPCU07.dnr
Thanks & Regards Smilie
# 10  
Old 08-12-2009
Originally Posted by ss_ss
Thanks a lot for your inputs, its working absolutely fine.

And my mistake i didnt read file

Thanks & Regards Smilie
Your welcome, glad to hear you get it work now!

# 11  
Old 08-12-2009
Troubling you again but i generalized it and after generalization the output files are getting created but only with the header record i.e. detail n trailer records are not coming Smilie

#! /usr/bin/ksh

program_name=`echo $program_name | sed -e 's/.*\///'`

function usage
    echo $*

    cat << EOF

$program_name  [-options value]

Valid options:

              [-b Bank Name]      run for all banks  if not specified

exit 1

# get arguments from command line
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    case $1 in
           [ "$2" = "" ] && usage "no value for option $1"
           shift 2
           echo "no such option $1"

# Main CPM directories
log=/SYSTEM/custom/data/log/CPM/cpm_merge_log.`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
echo "logs created in $log"

# Function to check success
function check_status
 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
    echo "Check directory permissions, files not able to copied or deleted; exiting main program ......... "
    exit 1

# Function to add leading zeroes to numbers
function leading_zeroes
  ln=`echo $sum|awk '{print length}'`
  zero=`expr $nr - $ln`

  while [ $i -le $zero ]
   i=`expr $i + 1`

  echo $sum |sed 's/x/0/g'

# Function to add trailing blanks to trailer
function trailing_blanks
    while [ $i -le $blank ]
   i=`expr $i + 1`

  echo $sum |sed 's/x/ /g'

function split_files
  exp=`echo $ch_name|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' `

  cd ${cpm_work_in}/fr${ch_name}
  file_id=`ls -trC1|grep -v .gz|awk /$exp[[:digit:]]{12}.*\.sd/|tail -1`

  cd ${cpm_work_out}/to${ch_name}
  if [ "$exp" = "cob" -o  "$exp" = "amx" ] ; then
     file_id3=`ls -trC1|awk /$exp[[:digit:]]{12}\.03\./|tail -1`
     file_id6=`ls -trC1|awk /$exp[[:digit:]]{12}\.06\./|tail -1`
     file_id9=`ls -trC1|awk /$exp[[:digit:]]{12}\.09\./|tail -1`
     file_id3=`ls -trC1|awk /CC[[:digit:]]{8}_CELPCU01\..../|tail -1`
     echo $file_id3
     file_id6=`ls -trC1|awk /CC[[:digit:]]{8}_CELPCU04\..../|tail -1`
     echo $file_id6
     file_id9=`ls -trC1|awk /CC[[:digit:]]{8}_CELPCU07\..../|tail -1`
     echo $file_id9


awk -F" |_" 'NR==FNR && /^2/{a[substr($0,40,15)]=$0;next}
FILENAME=="${cpm_work_out}/to{$ch_name}/${file_id3}" && /^2/ && a[$3]{print a[$3] > "${ready_dir}/rnd.out1"}
FILENAME=="${cpm_work_out}/to{$ch_name}/${file_id6}" && /^2/ && a[$3]{print a[$3] > "${ready_dir}/rnd.out4"}
FILENAME=="${cpm_work_out}/to{$ch_name}/${file_id9}" && /^2/ && a[$3]{print a[$3] > "${ready_dir}/rnd.out7"}
' ${cpm_work_in}/fr${ch_name}/$file_id ${cpm_work_out}/to{$ch_name}/$file_id3 ${cpm_work_out}/to{$ch_name}/$file_id6 ${cpm_work_out}/to{$ch_name}/$file_id9

total_amnt_01=`awk '{a += (substr($1,10,12))}END{printf a}' ${ready_dir}/rnd.out1`
total_amnt_06=`awk '{a += (substr($1,10,12))}END{printf a}' ${ready_dir}/rnd.out4`
total_amnt_09=`awk '{a += (substr($1,10,12))}END{printf a}' ${ready_dir}/rnd.out7`

rec_cnt_01=`(awk 'END{print NR}' ${ready_dir}/rnd.out1)`
rec_cnt_04=`(awk 'END{print NR}' ${ready_dir}/rnd.out4)`
rec_cnt_07=`(awk 'END{print NR}' ${ready_dir}/rnd.out7)`

sed -n '2p' ${ctrl_dir}/ctrl_${ch_name} >>  ${ready_dir}/tmp.1
sed -n '4p' ${ctrl_dir}/ctrl_${ch_name} >>  ${ready_dir}/tmp.4
sed -n '6p' ${ctrl_dir}/ctrl_${ch_name} >>  ${ready_dir}/tmp.7

cat ${ready_dir}/tmp.1 ${ready_dir}/rnd.out1 >> ${ready_dir}/din_cel_rej_20090804_CU01
cat ${ready_dir}/tmp.4 ${ready_dir}/rnd.out4 >> ${ready_dir}/din_cel_rej_20090804_CU04
cat ${ready_dir}/tmp.7 ${ready_dir}/rnd.out7 >> ${ready_dir}/din_cel_rej_20090804_CU07

rm ${ready_dir}/tmp.1
rm ${ready_dir}/tmp.4
rm ${ready_dir}/tmp.7
rm ${ready_dir}/rnd.out1
rm ${ready_dir}/rnd.out4
rm ${ready_dir}/rnd.out7

count_3=`leading_zeroes $rec_cnt_01 5`
count_6=`leading_zeroes $rec_cnt_04 5`
count_9=`leading_zeroes $rec_cnt_07 5`

amount_3=`leading_zeroes $total_amnt_01 12`
amount_6=`leading_zeroes $total_amnt_01 12`
amount_9=`leading_zeroes $total_amnt_01 12`
filler=`trailing_blanks 61`

echo "${tr}${count_3}${amount_3}${filler}" >>  ${ready_dir}/din_cel_rej_20090804_CU01
echo "${tr}${count_6}${amount_6}${filler}" >>  ${ready_dir}/din_cel_rej_20090804_CU04
echo "${tr}${count_9}${amount_9}${filler}" >>  ${ready_dir}/din_cel_rej_20090804_CU07

#Main Program start
case $read_bank in

                 echo "Splitting files for DINER only..............."
                 split_files DINER

if [ "$read_bank" = "" ] ; then
# ftp scripts to be added  here for all 4 banks
split_files DINER
} >> $log

echo "logs created in $log "
exit 0

And unable to undersatnd this error:
awk: Input line ¨ cannot be longer than 3,000 bytes.

# 12  
Old 08-12-2009
Originally Posted by ss_ss
And unable to undersatnd this error:
awk: Input line ¨ cannot be longer than 3,000 bytes.

That's the limit of most awk implementations, use (install) gawk or mawk.

# 13  
Old 08-12-2009
But the generalized version has lesser no of awk input lines than the specific ones as all the paths have been taken into variables Smilie

---------- Post updated at 04:40 AM ---------- Previous update was at 03:50 AM ----------

I again replaced the file name & path variables with another variable as shown below:

awk -F" |_" 'NR==FNR && /^2/{a[substr($0,40,15)]=$0;next}
FILENAME=="${cpm_work_out}/to${ch_name}/$file_id3" && /^2/ && a[$3]{a[$3] > "${ready_dir}/din.out1"}
FILENAME=="${cpm_work_out}/to${ch_name}/$file_id6" && /^2/ && a[$3]{a[$3] > "${ready_dir}/din.out4"}
FILENAME=="${cpm_work_out}/to${ch_name}/$file_id9" && /^2/ && a[$3]{a[$3] > "{ready_dir}/din.out7"}
' $var $var1 $var4 $var7

and it resolved that problem Smilie

Thanks & Regards
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