Change names in a column based on the symbols in another column

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# 1  
Old 08-11-2009
Change names in a column based on the symbols in another column

If the 4th column has - sign then the names in 3rd column has to change to some user defined names (as shown in output).



1    a    aaaaa    +
2    b    bbbbb    +
3    c    ccccc    +
4    d    ddddd    +
5    e    eeeee    +
6    f    xxxxx    +
8    h    hhhhh    +
9    a    aaaaa    -
10    b    bbbbb    -
11    c    ccccc    -
12    d    ddddd    -
13    e    eeeee    -
14    f    xxxxx    -
15    g    ggggg    -
16    h    hhhhh    -


1    a    aaaaa    +
2    b    bbbbb    +
3    c    ccccc    +
4    d    ddddd    +
5    e    eeeee    +
6    f    xxxxx    +
8    h    hhhhh    +
9    a    ppppp    -
10    b    qqqqq    -
11    c    rrrrr    -
12    d    sssss    -
13    e    ttttt    -
14    f    uuuuu    -
15    g    vvvvv    -
16    h    yyyyy    -

---------- Post updated 08-11-09 at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous update was 08-10-09 at 11:53 PM ----------

I'm trying some thing like this

awk '($5 ~ /-/) {print $0} else {print}' input | tr 'aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc,ddddd,eeeee,fffff,xxxxx,hhhhh' 'ppppp,qqqqq........................

But this only prints the values with negative sign. I need some thing like the output I mentioned above
# 2  
Old 08-11-2009
what do u mean by user defined names???
And u have 4 columns in the input file as u mentioned up and u r comparing the minus sign with the 5th column which u dont have it in ur inputfile as u mentioned up.
# 3  
Old 08-11-2009
user defined names like ppppp or qqqqq etc.
Sorry thats 4th column
awk '($4 ~ /-/) {print $0} else {print}' input | tr 'aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc,ddddd,eeeee,fffff,xxxxx,hhhhh' 'ppppp,qqqqq........................

# 4  
Old 08-11-2009
where have u defined those user defined names???
# 5  
Old 08-11-2009
awk '($4 ~ /-/) {print $0} else {print}' input | tr 'aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc,ddddd,eeeee,fffff,xxxxx,hhhhh' 'ppppp,qqqqq,rrrrr,ssssss,ttttt,uuuuu,vvvvv,yyyyy'

The bold ones are user defined
# 6  
Old 08-11-2009
what i suggest is that u better store those user defined names in a separate file and when ever u find a minus sign, replace that field.
but also u should have some common column so u can know which column to replace with which one.
# 7  
Old 08-11-2009
Yes you are right But I' m afraid i dont know how to write the code for 2 files
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