How to search for keywords in subsequent lines

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to search for keywords in subsequent lines
# 1  
Old 08-10-2009
How to search for keywords in subsequent lines

Hi all,
I am looking for a coomand to search for the keywords in susequenct lines. Keyword1 in a line and Keyword2 in the very next line.
Once i found the combination ineed to print the lines with patterns and the line above and one below.

I am giving an example here: Keywords are :ERROR and Found Path

Input data :
aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb vvvvvvvv
(:ERROR)  ccccccccc dddddddddddd eeeeeeeee kkkkk
Found Path: rrrrrr bbbb
cccccccccccc vvvvvvvvvvv kkkk rrrrrrrrr
aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb vvvvvvvv fffffffff 
(:ERROR)  aaaaaaaaaaa bnbbbbbbbbbbb ccccccc
ggggggggg hhhhhhhhhhhhhh rrrrrrrr
xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzzzzzzzzzz
(:ERROR)  rrrrrrrrrrrr ssssssss tttttttt
Found Path: ggghhhhh sshshshshs
pppppppppp qqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrrrr

Output expected:
aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb vvvvvvvv
(:ERROR)  ccccccccc dddddddddddd eeeeeeeee kkkkk
Found Path: rrrrrr bbbb
cccccccccccc vvvvvvvvvvv kkkk rrrrrrrrr
xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzzzzzzzzzz
(:ERROR)  rrrrrrrrrrrr ssssssss tttttttt
Found Path: ggghhhhh sshshshshs
pppppppppp qqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrrrr

Last edited by zaxxon; 08-10-2009 at 08:33 AM.. Reason: CODE tag optimization ;)
# 2  
Old 08-10-2009
As a start here you have the code to get the lines that have both patterns following up including the subsequent lines.
To get the line above and below these blocks you can give a try yourself maybe. But I guess someone comes up with a complete solution soon Smilie

$> awk '/^\(:ERROR\)/ { a=$0; getline; if($0 ~ /^Found Path:/) {print a"\n"$0; z=1} else{z=0; next} } z==1 && !/^Found Path/ {print}' z=0 infile
(:ERROR)  ccccccccc dddddddddddd eeeeeeeee kkkkk
Found Path: rrrrrr bbbb
cccccccccccc vvvvvvvvvvv kkkk rrrrrrrrr
aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb vvvvvvvv fffffffff
(:ERROR)  rrrrrrrrrrrr ssssssss tttttttt
Found Path: ggghhhhh sshshshshs
pppppppppp qqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrrrr

# 3  
Old 08-10-2009
Try this:

awk '/(:ERROR)/{err=$0;getline;if($0 ~ /^Found Path/){print prev RS err RS $0;getline; print}}{prev=$0}' file

# 4  
Old 08-10-2009
Save the below code say get_output
HTML Code:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f


!/ERROR/ && !/Found Path/ {
                if ( (found_path_line_no - error_found_line_no ) ==  1 )
                        printf( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", prev_line_text, found_error_text, found_path_text, $0);

!/ERROR/ && /Found Path/ {
            if ( (error_found_line_no + 1 ) == cur_line )
run the script as get_output <input file_name>.

I did a quick check it is working.. Let us me know if any one know better approach then this.
# 5  
Old 08-10-2009
Thank you all for the inputs.

Franklin52, your code is working perfectly.

Apart from printing,Can i have the code for the deleteion of those lines from the input file?
# 6  
Old 08-10-2009
Originally Posted by rdhanek
Thank you all for the inputs.

Franklin52, your code is working perfectly.

Apart from printing,Can i have the code for the deleteion of those lines from the input file?
Redirect the output to another file and replace the original file with it:

awk '..' file > newfile
mv newfile file

# 7  
Old 08-10-2009
Franklin52, I need the details of the lines with pattern,next line and the line above in a seperate file. For that i am re-directing the output of the command you provided.

Also need the remaining file, once we seperate the details mentioned above.

Regardingyour command, it doesn't print the the line above the first occurrence of the sequence.

Output expected is

---------- Post updated at 08:04 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:03 AM ----------

aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb vvvvvvvv
(:ERROR)  ccccccccc dddddddddddd eeeeeeeee kkkkk
Found Path: rrrrrr bbbb
cccccccccccc vvvvvvvvvvv kkkk rrrrrrrrr
xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzzzzzzzzzz
(:ERROR)  rrrrrrrrrrrr ssssssss tttttttt
Found Path: ggghhhhh sshshshshs
pppppppppp qqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrrrr

first line is not coming with your code.Please help
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