Records which are staring with double quote(") and a number

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# 1  
Old 08-05-2009
Records which are staring with double quote(") and a number

Hi Experts...

I am trying to find out separting the records which are staring with double quote(") and a six digit number(ex: 012456,987654,etc) from a file.

For example :

Source File :

"116462","SMITH CHEVR

"Export lments"
"Copyrts rerved."
"Cion - Dxyabcfdse"

output file should look like

"116462","SMITH CHEVR

Can you please help...

# 2  
Old 08-05-2009
Originally Posted by vsairam
the records which are staring with double quote(") and a six digit number(ex: 012456,987654,etc) from a file.
Should this record be matched as well ?


It starts with a double quote followed by six digits, and hence it satisfies the conditions you posted.

In other words, must there be a double quote character at the 8th position ?

# 3  
Old 08-05-2009

It contains a double quote (") at 8th position.
# 4  
Old 08-05-2009
$ cat data.txt
"116462","SMITH CHEVR
"Export lments"
"Copyrts rerved."
"Cion - Dxyabcfdse"
$ perl -ne 'print if /"\d{6}"/' data.txt
"116462","SMITH CHEVR

# 5  
Old 08-05-2009
Originally Posted by vsairam
I am trying to find out separating the records which are staring with double quote(") and a six digit number(
egrep "^\"[0-9]{6}\"" file

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