script to display occupied and non occupied ports in unix

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# 1  
Old 07-31-2009
script to display occupied and non occupied ports in unix

if [ $# -ne 3 ]
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) <host/ip> <start port> <end port>"
exit 1

for port in $(seq $2 $3)
nc -z $1 $port && echo "$port on $1 is open"
I want to extend this script.

This must also be able to show me that a port is already assigned to a service but not running now

there must be three different messages

port 8949 is open but not listening
port 8959 is open
port 8999 hasn't been assigned to any service.

I know that using telnet we can do but how can I use the telnet command( this must be done using set timeout)

# 2  
Old 08-05-2009
Your script works just about fine. You might need an if-else construct:
if nc -z $1 $port &>/dev/null; then 
   echo "Port $port is open"
  echo "Port $port is not open";

But what does this mean: "hasn't been assigned to any service"? That's meaningless. Either a port is being listened to or it's not.
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