using perl to print columnwise

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# 1  
Old 07-30-2009
using perl to print columnwise

Suppose we have two files
one file

and another file

So ,we want to have output
where from first file is having number and then use second file accordingly
it wil print


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

open(NEW,"> OUTPUT_txt");

        #print "$file\n";
        open (RONALDO,"FAAA_HUMAN.output");
        foreach $x(@list)
                foreach $y(@outputfile)
        system "cat $y|awk -v num=$x '{if(NR==num) print($0);}' ";


what can be possible solution?
# 2  
Old 07-30-2009
What's the algorithm here?
Guessing that it's number from file1 == line number file 2:
#!/usr/bin/perl -W
use strict;

my $fh;
my @numbers;
my $line;

open $fh, '<', '/path/to/file1' or die "Can't open: $!";
@numbers = <$fh>;
close $fh;
open $fh, '<', '/path/to/file2' or die "Can't open: $!";
while ( $line = <$fh> ) {
    print $line if ( grep { $. == $_ } @numbers );
close $fh;

# 3  
Old 07-30-2009
the line numbers in file one do not seem match the output and the line numbers in the file have to be offset by negative one to match in the array, which will start at zero instead of one like the file. @numers should probably be chomped to remove the newlines before using it with the numeric operator ==.
# 4  
Old 07-30-2009
below should be ok, how to make up the hash with first file leave to youSmilie

my %hash=(2=>1,5=>1,7=>1,11=>1);
	print if (exists $hash{$.});
M*0.0540*0.0039*0.2212*0.0082*0.0020*0.0137*0.0028*0.0029*0.2198*0.0104*0.0889*0.0282*0.0049*0.0804* 0.1743*0.0215*0.0531*0.0071*0.0007*0.0021*0.7270*2.5000*
S*0.0197*0.0043*0.0037*0.0032*0.0018*0.0039*0.0015*0.0027*0.0030*0.0039*0.0012*0.2281*0.0025*0.0022* 0.0027*0.6511*0.0586*0.0040*0.0005*0.0016*0.3700*2.5000*
F*0.0029*0.0008*0.0021*0.0026*0.2621*0.0025*0.2339*0.0018*0.0023*0.0033*0.0010*0.0022*0.0017*0.0024* 0.0024*0.0028*0.0023*0.0023*0.4673*0.0015*0.4240*2.5000*
I*0.0046*0.0012*0.2219*0.0020*0.0069*0.0024*0.0055*0.1693*0.0020*0.2029*0.0021*0.0014*0.0019*0.0014* 0.0018*0.0025*0.0029*0.3649*0.0006*0.0018*0.5222*2.5000*
P*0.0515*0.0014*0.0849*0.0630*0.0027*0.2258*0.0282*0.0076*0.0126*0.0135*0.0016*0.0183*0.0637*0.0732* 0.0176*0.2021*0.0568*0.0655*0.0011*0.0091*0.7958*2.5000*
V*0.3128*0.0031*0.0190*0.0029*0.2206*0.0070*0.0015*0.1142*0.0109*0.0096*0.0028*0.0022*0.0083*0.0021* 0.0026*0.0205*0.0171*0.2189*0.0010*0.0231*0.6230*2.5000*
A*0.0941*0.0018*0.0247*0.0222*0.2207*0.0252*0.0084*0.0047*0.0062*0.0079*0.0020*0.2878*0.2066*0.0039* 0.0051*0.0547*0.0136*0.0061*0.0012*0.0032*0.6645*2.5000*
E*0.0993*0.0014*0.0975*0.3559*0.0030*0.0988*0.0057*0.0042*0.0914*0.0130*0.0021*0.0120*0.0475*0.0277* 0.0190*0.0762*0.0294*0.0119*0.0011*0.0027*0.7241*2.5000*
D*0.0790*0.0014*0.1773*0.0207*0.0025*0.0465*0.1021*0.0027*0.0151*0.0074*0.0015*0.1091*0.0950*0.0147* 0.0077*0.0723*0.2283*0.0040*0.0010*0.0117*0.7629*2.5000*
S*0.0337*0.0919*0.0055*0.0059*0.0034*0.0201*0.0194*0.0050*0.0055*0.0078*0.0023*0.0101*0.0589*0.0039* 0.2287*0.3931*0.0941*0.0069*0.0011*0.0029*0.6322*2.5000*
D*0.0074*0.0008*0.5185*0.0237*0.0015*0.0077*0.0809*0.0020*0.0038*0.0034*0.0009*0.0084*0.0960*0.0102* 0.0029*0.2229*0.0041*0.0027*0.0005*0.0015*0.5000*2.5000*
F*0.0029*0.0007*0.0021*0.0026*0.7291*0.0025*0.0019*0.0018*0.0022*0.0033*0.0010*0.0022*0.0017*0.0023* 0.2344*0.0028*0.0022*0.0022*0.0006*0.0014*0.2651*2.5000*
P*0.0090*0.0010*0.0049*0.0061*0.0025*0.0055*0.0019*0.0038*0.0054*0.2186*0.0015*0.0033*0.5570*0.0031* 0.0043*0.1334*0.0306*0.0053*0.0008*0.0021*0.4543*2.5000*
I*0.0037*0.0010*0.0017*0.0021*0.0042*0.0024*0.0009*0.4114*0.0021*0.3121*0.0034*0.0015*0.0018*0.0016* 0.0019*0.2273*0.0024*0.0117*0.0007*0.0063*0.4469*2.5000*
H*0.1051*0.0007*0.0031*0.2746*0.0014*0.0027*0.0798*0.0018*0.0120*0.0102*0.0010*0.0595*0.0019*0.4283* 0.0027*0.0031*0.0025*0.0024*0.0006*0.0063*0.5353*2.5000*

# 5  
Old 07-31-2009
Originally Posted by KevinADC
the line numbers in file one do not seem match the output and the line numbers in the file have to be offset by negative one to match in the array, which will start at zero instead of one like the file.
I assumed that the lines "FAAA_HUMAN.input1" and "FAAA_HUMAN.output" are filenames, not actual content.
Originally Posted by KevinADC
@numers should probably be chomped to remove the newlines before using it with the numeric operator ==.
You're right, they should be chomp()ed (for good style points), but I tried both (chomp()ing and the posted version), there's no difference.
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