stucking when using printf with awk

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# 1  
Old 07-27-2009
stucking when using printf with awk

I am formatting output using printf. It is working fine in linux but in solaris the statement is stucked.

awk ' BEGIN{printf("%-15s%-25s%-25s%-15s\n","System","Start time","End time","Total time taken")}'

When I am giving this statement in console also, it stucks and I don't get the shell back.

Please tell how I can overcome this problem.
# 2  
Old 07-27-2009
awk on Solaris is old. Try nawk. Plus you would get the same results just using the shell's builtin printf command. Better choice than awk.

old awk expects there to be input from stdin that is why it is hanging.

awk ' BEGIN{printf("%-15s%-25s%-25s%-15s\n","System","Start time","End time","Total time taken")}'  /dev/null

# 3  
Old 07-27-2009
It worked

Thanks Jim,
It worked and u are right too..'the same can be achieved by simple printf also'
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