passing parameters using awk

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# 1  
Old 07-24-2009
passing parameters using awk

The below script is working fine
awk BEGIN {  FS="|"  }  FNR==NR { f1[$1]=$2; next }  $1 in f1 && $2 =="xx" && $1 == "DAILY_JOB" {print $3} 

awk -f a.txt b.txt--Its working fine .

When passing parameters its not working .Any help it should be appereciated.

awk -f  xx a.txt b.txt
param =$1
file1 =$2
file2 =$3
awk BEGIN {  FS="|"  }  FNR==NR { f1[$1]=$2; next }  $1 in f1 && $2 =="xx" && $1 == "DAILY_JOB" {print $3} $file1 $file2

Thanks ,
# 2  
Old 07-24-2009
What do you mean by not working? It's not reading the files correctly? It is giving you an error?
# 3  
Old 07-24-2009
When passing ,i was getting the below error

param =$1
file1 =$2
file2 =$3
awk BEGIN { FS="|" } FNR==NR { f1[$1]=$2; next } $1 in f1 && $2 =="$param" && $1 == "DAILY_JOB" {print $3} $file1 $file2

awk -f xx a.txt b.txt

awk: Cannot find or open file XX
The source line number is 5.
# 4  
Old 07-24-2009
Instead of using awk to process your sh just call your shell script.

Instead of

awk -f xx a.txt b.txt

Just run

Code: xx a.txt b.txt

# 5  
Old 07-24-2009
When try this I am getting the below error xx a.txt b.txt

syntax error The source line is 1.
The error context is
>>> BEGIN <<<
awk: Quitting
The source line is 1.[6]: Syntax error at line 7 : `}' is not expected.
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