Simple Script looking for Hard Coded Variables

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# 1  
Old 07-21-2009
Simple Script looking for Hard Coded Variables

Hi Guys

Looking for a little help with a script to grep all files looking for hard coded variables - ie its IP address... so we know which files to look at before an IP change...

This is what I have - but it seems to loop and never end...

Any better suggestions?

#simple script to grep for the IP of the host in any file
echo "Enter the IP address you want to find"
read IP
eval log=/tmp/ipfind.out.$IP
tput clear
eval echo "greping all files for $IP"
echo "This will take a considerable amount of time to complete..."
eval echo "Scripts logs to /tmp/ipfind.out.$IP"
cd /
grep -r $IP * 1>$log 2>/dev/null
eval echo "Script complete. please check /tmp/ipfind.out.$IP"

Any help really appreciated...


Last edited by vgersh99; 07-21-2009 at 03:16 PM.. Reason: code tags, PLEASE!
# 2  
Old 07-21-2009
You don't need eval, 1 parse is enough.
#simple script to grep for the IP of the host in any file
echo -n "Enter the IP address you want to find:"
read IP
echo "greping all files for $IP"
echo "This will take a considerable amount of time to complete..."
echo "Scripts logs to /tmp/ipfind.out.$IP"
# IP include ., which is special char for regexp, so you need change . -> \.
# find regular files and grep IP, take time, output only filenames which include $IP
find / -type f -exec grep -l "$IP" {} \;  > $log  2>/dev/null
echo "Script complete. please check $log"

# 3  
Old 07-21-2009
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