SCO UNIX Won't Boot

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Operating Systems SCO SCO UNIX Won't Boot
# 29  
Old 10-21-2009
Ed is right, we need the output of "hwconfig -hc" or the contents of /usr/adm/messages, starting at the last boot, and the output of "swconfig".
There are inconsistencies.
For instance desktop systems are 2 user, but do not support HTFS file systems, they use DTFS instead.
The 2 user reference from the output of uname -X could be because the license manager was not running.
I missed the post about there being a mirrored drive.
Jedi, you mentioned in one post moving serial cables, is this a host or enterprise version of SCO. The host version does not have tcp, and all terminals are attached through serial ports. The enterprise version has tcp and all the LAN functionality.
You can find this out by running scoadmin and selecting license manager.
# 30  
Old 10-21-2009
I think i zeroed out messages previously from earlier posts. I am currently adding a third standalone scsi hard disk to use for /u1. The system is still initializing @ 50%. Will post the hwconfig -hc as soon as it is done.

Just got the Lonetar software last night. Tried to FTP it from my PC to my SCO box.....unfortunately, there is not entry for /etc/ftpusers.....dunno if this is the right place to enable FTP in sco.

appreciate all the help. thanks.
# 31  
Old 10-21-2009
How about trying "divvy /dev/u1".

Lacking a response from that, look in /dev for all devices starting with hd* to see what the system thinks is there.

Since df shows a /dev/u1 and divvy doesn't, I suspect that you may not be mirroring, but actually have /dev/u1 as the second drive. That is the only explanation I can come up with for the evidence I see.

You should see some indication of a private message I sent.

---------- Post updated at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:45 AM ----------

And just to make sure of the other things that may be important, how about listing the installed software that shows up when you run "custom".
# 32  
Old 10-21-2009
tried to do this:

bash-2.03# divvy /dev/u1
divvy: could not open temporary node: No such device or address
bash-2.03# cd /etc/
bash-2.03# divvy /dev/u1
divvy: could not open temporary node: No such device or address

device address vec dma comment
====== ======= === === =======
kernel - - - rel=3.2v5.0.5 kid=98/07/02
cpu - - - unit=1 family=6 type=Pentium II (D)
cpuid - - - unit=1 vend=GenuineIntel tfms=0:6:5:2
fpu - 13 - unit=1 type=80387-compatible
pci 0xcf8-0xcff - - am=1 sc=1 buses=3
PnP - - - nodes=0
serial 0x3f8-0x3ff 4 - unit=0 type=Standard nports=1 fifo=yes
serial 0x2f8-0x2ff 3 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 fifo=yes
console - - - unit=vga type=0 12 screens=68k
adapter 0xd000-0xd0ff 5 - type=alad ha=0 bus=0 id=7 fts=sto
floppy 0x3f2-0x3f7 6 2 unit=0 type=135ds18
kbmouse 0x60-0x64 12 - type=Keyboard mouse
adapter 0x1f0-0x1f7 14 - type=IDE ctlr=primary dvr=wd
adapter -0x43 11 - type=mdac (v4.15) 2-chnl 16-ids ha=0
eeE0 0xb400-0xb43f 16 - type=EE PRO/100+ 00:90:27:2d:e3:be
epca 0x208-0x208 - - mem=0x000D0000 ports=32 ISA C/X V7.0.5
cd-rom - - - type=IDE ctlr=sec cfg=mst dvr=Srom->wd
tape - - - type=S ha=0 id=2 lun=0 bus=0 ht=alad
disk - - - type=S ha=0 id=0 lun=1 bus=0 ht=mdac
Sdsk - - - cyls=1024 hds=128 secs=32 fts=sdb
cpu - 255 - unit=2 family=6 type=Pentium II (D)
cpuid - - - unit=2 vend=GenuineIntel tfms=0:6:5:2
fpu - - - unit=2 type=80387-compatible
disk - - - type=S ha=0 id=1 lun=1 bus=0 ht=mdac
Sdsk - - - cyls=8750 hds=128 secs=32 fts=sdb

Hope this helps. The new hard drive is in place. Do I need to run anything to get SCO to recognize it?? Thanks again.
# 33  
Old 10-21-2009
The /etc/ftpusers file is a deny file, but ftp is not available with the host version.
You should be able to install the lonetar software directly from the media.
# 34  
Old 10-21-2009
From your hardware list you have a 16gb (roughly) hard drive sitting at ID1 with a suspicion that it is running off the adaptec controller you have installed.

Your command "divvy /dev/u1" may have failed because the entry got corrupted. That is the divvy table entry in devices, there is also the hardware entry. They can also get corrupted or wiped.

I suggest that you get that drive up and running before you try to install another. If the drive stuff got corrupted in /dev, recreating it will bring your /u1 back to life. You just have to make sure to run the "mkdev hd" once, then run divvy to get things back in order. But don't do it until you've checked some of the other stuff here.

How about giving the results from "ls /dev/hd*. (L not 1)

Another thing to try is [CTRL] A while the BIOS is posting. That should bring up an adaptec bios with some diagnostics, one of which is a channel scan for attached devices.

If you are attaching a new drive into the existing chain, the ID should be 2 to 6 and no termination.

To make the new drive available you run "mkdev hd" and assign it to alad controller 1 with ID (whatever you plugged). That creates the /dev entry that you will use. Then reboot to get it attached and run mkdev again to create the division that you need and name it. During this run the drive will get formatted (along with media scan if you allow it) and afterwards will be available for "mkdev fs" to create the filesystem and attach it (if you wish to attach it immediately).
# 35  
Old 10-21-2009
I burnt a copy on a cd-r(for lonetar). Then tried to mount the cd, still won't mount?

---------- Post updated at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:01 PM ----------

Would this help?

bash-2.03# ls /dev/hd
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