How to check whether the disk in linux machine are internal or external ( from nas or san). How to identify internal(local) and external disks. Following are some details of my server. Thanks.
Last edited by Franklin52; 10-23-2013 at 08:59 AM..
Reason: Please use code tags
I'm trying step up my scripting game .. :rolleyes::confused::D
Is there a way to do the replacement with an or without using an external command ?
I did try but no joy.
var=" ("
var=${var//\(/}... (5 Replies)
Hi there, I'm new to shell scripting and need some help if possible?
I need to create a shell script (.sh) to run as a cron job on an ubuntu linux server to connect to an external sftp sites directory using credentials (which I have) and then download to our internal ftp server and then copy... (3 Replies)
I am running a bash script under linux which first defines an CA-array like
CA='echo $num1 + $j*$num2'
within the later awk section of this same script I want to read data from a file. If the value of the second column is... (3 Replies)
Hello, I need to write a program which sets server's ip address, router, network mask. Program also should set if it is an internal or external ip. Maybe someone can help me ? Any information from u is very useful :b:
I stopped at .. :(
A=`hostname -i`
echo "server ip address is $A"... (4 Replies)
We are running sun solaris and it is connected to SAN storage. How do I find what are the disks are internal and what are the disks are connected to SAN? (0 Replies)
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I have read other threads on similar subject but still not clear on what this is telling me and what action to take. Do I have a couple of disks that are slowly dying?
While checking disk usage on the V880 I noticed the following:
# format... (3 Replies)