Need to crack username and password on laptop

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Need to crack username and password on laptop
# 1  
Old 10-10-2013
Need to crack username and password on laptop

I am not a computer geek but I recently was given a Dell Latitude c400 laptop which has Red Hat Linux 2.4.20-6 GRUB Version 0.93. First of all I have no clue how to even use this operating system and I was never given the username or password. Is there anyone out there who could possibly help me crack these codes so I can use laptop ?

# 2  
Old 10-11-2013
Since I am new member and can't post links, google for "red hat forgot password" and follow the link to that should be the first result, there is a good guide to set a new password for root.
# 3  
Old 10-11-2013
Press a key during startup to get to the GRUB menu, then press "A" to modify the boot options. Add the number 1 to the end of the line and press Enter, to boot to single user mode. You are "root" (the administrative user), and can now change the password using the passwd command.
This User Gave Thanks to Scott For This Post:
# 4  
Old 12-05-2013
Originally Posted by Scott
Press a key during startup to get to the GRUB menu, then press "A" to modify the boot options. Add the number 1 to the end of the line and press Enter, to boot to single user mode. You are "root" (the administrative user), and can now change the password using the passwd command.
If Scott solution won't work because sometimes "Maintenance Mode" or "Single User" may be protected by a password you can do the same thing but instead of adding 1 at the end of the line add "init=/bin/bash" this will get you straight to the command prompt . Have a good day.
# 5  
Old 12-05-2013
There is little point cracking a password when you have physical access to the system. Worst-case you can use a rescue CD to chroot into your system and reset the password.
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