Best way to sync time on a Linux machine

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Best way to sync time on a Linux machine
# 8  
Old 10-03-2013
I don't see how. Test NTP on a non-production system with these time servers before deploying it to production. The point of having multiple servers is to mitigate against errors.

Also, reading the man page, it's not necessary to run ntpdate at all. ntpd supports this functionality. Add -q to the ntpd startup options instead.
# 9  
Old 10-03-2013
I guess there is some confusion, what I meant is that if the ntpd service is not running and we need to sync the clock once or at regular intervals, only then the ntpdate command would be helpful.

I hope, my query is clear now that the ntpdate command to be used only if the service ntpd service is not running.

# 10  
Old 10-03-2013
If time is a critical issue for your server then it makes no sense not to run ntpd. But if you only want to update the time periodically, as you suggest, then ntpdate is fine.
# 11  
Old 10-03-2013
Thanks for your answer, I tried ntpdate but it giving error like:

ntpdate[5771]: no server suitable for synchronization found

I tried to sync server1 with server2 where the time difference between the servers is less than 1 minute. For e.g. I gave,

ntpdate -b <server2>

from server1.

Request you to throw light on this so that the understanding can become completely clear on this.


Last edited by Scott; 10-03-2013 at 07:08 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 12  
Old 10-03-2013
server2 isn't an NTP server.

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