[Solved] Cannot install git on RHEL 6

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat [Solved] Cannot install git on RHEL 6
# 1  
Old 09-26-2013
[Solved] Cannot install git on RHEL 6


I am trying to install git on RHEL 6. From the research I have done I should be able to just say:

sudo yum install git

but it is not working (it says no package git is available). I am fairly new to linux and cannot figure this out.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
# 2  
Old 09-26-2013
do sudo yum list available | grep -i git
then see if it shows up, if not then your repository does not contain it. Note: you can add sites to your list of repositories.
You can also download git rpm and install from command line
# 3  
Old 09-26-2013
Thanks for the advice. I don't see git in the list from yum, so I went to find the rpm and install it. I don't know how to install an rpm from the command line, so I tried downloading the file and double clicking to open the installer.

When I do this for git-, I receive an error:
git- requires perl(Git)
git- requires perl-Git =

So I tried to download/install perl-Git-, which gives me this error:

perl-Git- requires git =

it looks like a circular dependency? How can I get around it?

Last edited by Scott; 09-26-2013 at 03:49 PM.. Reason: Code tags
# 4  
Old 09-26-2013
You shouldn't install random RPM's you find on the internet, they're almost certainly not for your system.

RHEL6 is supposed to come with git. Did that command suggested list anything at all?
# 5  
Old 09-26-2013
There were many entries (too many to list all), but no plain old git.

I tried instlling git-annex.i686, but receive a message that it requires git

Error: Package: git-annex-3.20120522-2.1.el6.i686 (epel)
           Requires: git

Here is the "G" section:
gccxml.i686                            0.9.0-0.15.20130506.git567213ac.el6
git-annex.i686                         3.20120522-2.1.el6    epel               
git-bugzilla.noarch                    0-0.9.20091211git.el6 epel               
git-ftp.noarch                         0.84-1.el6            epel               
git-review.noarch                      1.17-2.el6            epel               
git2cl.noarch                          2.0-0.1.git8373c9f.el6
gitolite.noarch                        2.3.1-1.el6           epel               
gitolite3.noarch                       1:3.5.2-1.el6         epel               
gitosis.noarch                         0.2-9.20080825git.el6 epel               
gitso.noarch                           0.6-6.el6             epel               
gitstats.noarch                        0-0.4.20130224git0843039.el6
gitweb-caching.noarch         epel

---------- Post updated at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:45 PM ----------

There were many entries , but no plain old git.

I tried instlling git-annex.i686 to see if it would install, but receive a message that it requires git

Error: Package: git-annex-3.20120522-2.1.el6.i686 (epel)
           Requires: git

$ sudo yum list available | grep -i git
GitPython.noarch                       0.3.2-0.1.RC1.el6     epel               
NetworkManager-openvpn.i686            1:0.8.1-0.1.git20100609.el6
NetworkManager-pptp.i686               1:0.8.0-1.git20100411.el6
NetworkManager-vpnc.i686               1:0.8.0-1.git20100411.el6
StarCluster.noarch                     0.9999-0.2.git4c374a4.el6
StarCluster-doc.noarch                 0.9999-0.2.git4c374a4.el6
apt-mirror.noarch                      0.4.9-1.gitde8906b.el6
bios_extract.i686                      0-0.6.20101207gitd65284d.el6
catkin.noarch                          0.4.5-7.gitd4f1f24.el6
catkin-devel.noarch                    0.4.5-7.gitd4f1f24.el6
cgit.i686                              0.9.2-1.el6           epel               
codemod.noarch                         1.0-1.20130508giteac2165.el6
compton.i686                           0-0.1.20120603gitd52f7a0.el6
cvs2git.noarch                         2.3.0-0.3.r4998svn.el6
deltarpm.i686                          3.5-0.5.20090913git.el6
dia-Digital.noarch                     0.1-1.el6             epel               
digitemp.i686                          3.6.0-4.el6           epel               
django-avatar.noarch                   2.0a1-5.20110709git097ed8.el6
django-tables.noarch                   0.3-0.1.20101124git02ecf61.el6
erlang-amf.i686                        0-0.6.20110224gitb36dfb6.el6
erlang-egeoip.i686                     0-0.3.20111025git45c32ad.el6
erlang-emmap.i686                      0-0.2.git05ae1bb.el6  epel               
erlang-eper.i686                       0.60-2.20120621git16bae32.el6
erlang-erlsom.i686                     1.2.1-12.20120904gitdef76b9.el6
erlang-erlydtl.i686                    0.7.0-1.20130214git6a9845f.el6
erlang-gettext.i686                    2.1.0-0.2.20101022gitb55cb72.el6
erlang-gtknode.i686                    0.32-2.20110310git19ddfd5.el6
erlang-snappy.i686                     1.0.3-0.2.git80db168.el6
ettercap.i686                          0.7.5-3.el6.1.20120906gitc796e5
fedora-easy-karma.noarch               0-0.13.20110823gitb0706146.el6
flexiport.i686                         2.0.0-2.20120701git1b6103d.el6
flexiport-devel.i686                   2.0.0-2.20120701git1b6103d.el6
fusion-icon.noarch                     0.1.0-0.9.5e2dc9git.el6
fusion-icon-gtk.noarch                 0.1.0-0.9.5e2dc9git.el6
fusion-icon-qt.noarch                  0.1.0-0.9.5e2dc9git.el6
gccxml.i686                            0.9.0-0.15.20130506.git567213ac.el6
git-annex.i686                         3.20120522-2.1.el6    epel               
git-bugzilla.noarch                    0-0.9.20091211git.el6 epel               
git-ftp.noarch                         0.84-1.el6            epel               
git-review.noarch                      1.17-2.el6            epel               
git2cl.noarch                          2.0-0.1.git8373c9f.el6
gitolite.noarch                        2.3.1-1.el6           epel               
gitolite3.noarch                       1:3.5.2-1.el6         epel               
gitosis.noarch                         0.2-9.20080825git.el6 epel               
gitso.noarch                           0.6-6.el6             epel               
gitstats.noarch                        0-0.4.20130224git0843039.el6
gitweb-caching.noarch         epel               
gprof2dot.noarch                       1.0-0.8.20120720git56961.el6
gradle-open-api.noarch                 0.9-0.1.20091127git.el6
hg-git.noarch                          0.4.0-1.el6           epel               
hokuyoaist.i686                        3.0.1-1.20120729git69df78b.el6
hokuyoaist-devel.i686                  3.0.1-1.20120729git69df78b.el6
http-parser.i686                       2.0-4.20121128gitcd01361.el6
http-parser-devel.i686                 2.0-4.20121128gitcd01361.el6
i3lock.i686                            1.0-4.20100320git.el6 epel               
iipsrv.i686                            1.0.0-0.7.git0b63de7.el6
iipsrv-httpd-fcgi.noarch               1.0.0-0.7.git0b63de7.el6
impressjs.noarch                       0.5.3-1.20130412gitgedff5a0.el6
kacst-digital-fonts.noarch             2.0-7.el6             rhel-6-desktop-rpms
libbluray.i686                         0.2-0.6.20110710git51d7d60a96d06.el6
libbluray-devel.i686                   0.2-0.6.20110710git51d7d60a96d06.el6
libbluray-java.i686                    0.2-0.6.20110710git51d7d60a96d06.el6
librdmacm.i686                         1.0.17-0.git4b5c1aa.el6
libsolv.i686                           0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
libsolv-demo.i686                      0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
libsolv-devel.i686                     0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
libsolv-tools.i686                     0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
linuxptp.i686                          0-0.6.20121114gite6bbbb.el6
lua-inotify.i686                       1.0-0.2.20110529git6d0f7a0973cfb.el6
mod_flvx.i686                          0-0.1.20100525git.el6 epel               
nodejs-github-url-from-git.noarch      1.1.1-2.el6           epel               
novacom.i686                           1.1.0-0.4.rc1.git.ff7641193a.el6
novacom-client.i686                    1.1.0-0.4.rc1.git.ff7641193a.el6
numad.i686                             0.5-8.20121015git.el6 rhel-6-desktop-rpms
obconf.i686                            2.0.3-9.20100212gitb04658.el6
openstack-swift-plugin-swift3.noarch   1.0.0-0.20120711git.el6
perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits.noarch      0.50-3.el6            epel               
perl-Config-GitLike.noarch             1.09-1.el6            epel               
perl-solv.i686                         0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
php-Analog.noarch                      1.0.0-3.git9ab4c9e.el6
php-channel-digitalsandwich.noarch     1.3-2.el6             epel               
php-digitalsandwich-Phake.noarch       1.0.2-1.el6           epel               
php-pluf.noarch                        1.0-3.gitb1fed2e.el6  epel               
php-redis.i686                         2.2.2-5.git6f7087f.el6
php-zmq.i686                           0.6.0-8.20120613git516bd6f.el6
plowshare.noarch                       0.9.4-0.44.20130901git.el6
pxz.i686                               4.999.9-1.beta.20100608git.el6
pybugz.noarch                          0.10-4.git683dd.el6   epel               
python-catkin-sphinx.noarch            0.2.1-2.20130602gitc00d68b.el6
python-deltarpm.i686                   3.5-0.5.20090913git.el6
python-django-longerusername.noarch    0.4-2.20130204gite4e85d7d.el6
python-flask-lastuser.noarch           0.2-1.20110722git3bf2a0.el6
python-gencpp.noarch                   0.3.4-3.20130623git403d067.el6
python-gencpp-devel.noarch             0.3.4-3.20130623git403d067.el6
python-genlisp.noarch                  0.3.3-3.20130623git8790a17.el6
python-genlisp-devel.noarch            0.3.3-3.20130623git8790a17.el6
python-genmsg.noarch                   0.3.10-5.20130617git95ca00d.el6
python-genmsg-devel.noarch             0.3.10-5.20130617git95ca00d.el6
python-genpy.noarch                    0.3.7-5.20130623giteddf66e.el6
python-genpy-devel.noarch              0.3.7-5.20130623giteddf66e.el6
python-gerrit.noarch                   0.0.1-2.gita7ffd76.el6
python-gitdb.i686                      0.5.4-2.el6           epel               
python-manifestdestiny.noarch          0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozbase.noarch                  0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozdevice.noarch                0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozhttpd.noarch                 0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozinfo.noarch                  0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozinstall.noarch               0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozlog.noarch                   0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozprocess.noarch               0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozprofile.noarch               0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-mozrunner.noarch                0-0.3.gitb077641.el6  epel               
python-rosinstall.noarch               0.6.26-1.20130318git6d482b2.el6
python-rospkg.noarch                   1.0.20-1.20130318git0a4448e.el6
python-savannaclient.noarch            0.3-0.1.f816386git.el6
python-solv.i686                       0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
python-sphinx-theme-flask.noarch       git20130715.1cc4468-2.el6
python-vcstools.noarch                 0.1.30-1.20130318git963c121.el6
python-windmill.noarch                 1.7-0.2.git4304ee7.el6
qgit.i686                              2.5-1.el6             epel               
qv4l2.i686                             0.9.0.git5f24b816-2.el6
rhevsh.noarch                          0.9-2.20110418git.el6 epel               
ruby-solv.i686                         0.0.0-1.git857fe28.el6
rubygem-git.noarch                     1.2.5-1.el6           epel               
shellinabox.i686                       2.14-24.git88822c1.el6
sigar.i686                             1.6.5-0.4.git58097d9.el6
sshuttle.noarch                        0-7.20120810git9ce2fa0.el6
stgit.noarch                           0.14.3-6.el6          epel               
tcplay.i686                            0.9-0.5.20111007git97ed5f9.el6
topgit.noarch                          0.9-1.el6             epel               
trac-CGit-plugin.noarch                1.0.5-1.el6           epel               
trac-code-comments-plugin.noarch       1.2.0-0.1.20120601gitb260714.el6
trac-mastertickets-plugin.noarch       3.0.3-1.20130209.git4c461fe.el6
urjtag.i686                            0.10-2.el6.20111215gite1a4227
urjtag-devel.i686                      0.10-2.el6.20111215gite1a4227
urjtag-python.i686                     0.10-2.el6.20111215gite1a4227
v4l-utils.i686                         0.9.0.git5f24b816-2.el6
v4l-utils-devel-tools.i686             0.9.0.git5f24b816-2.el6
xs.i686                                0.1-2.git9c19777.el6  epel               
zfs-fuse.i686                          0.6.9-6.20100709git.el6

Last edited by Scott; 09-26-2013 at 03:48 PM.. Reason: Code tags please for data...
# 6  
Old 09-26-2013
Not sure if this is a company system or not. If not, you could add the RPMFusion respository and git should be available from there, along with tons of other packages.

RPM Fusion - RPM Fusion

If it's a company system, then you may want to check to see if there is an internal Satellite system that your box can be registered with to install additional software.
# 7  
Old 09-26-2013

It is a company laptop, but I have a lot of freedom. I added the RPM Fusion repositories, and ensured they were enabled in yum. However, the result is the same as before when I try to install or get a list of available packages with "git".

---------- Post updated at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:11 PM ----------

Finally figured it out. I enabled the rhel-6-desktop-optional-rpms repository.

Thanks for the help.
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