do sudo yum list available | grep -i git
then see if it shows up, if not then your repository does not contain it. Note: you can add sites to your list of repositories.
You can also download git rpm and install from command line
Thanks for the advice. I don't see git in the list from yum, so I went to find the rpm and install it. I don't know how to install an rpm from the command line, so I tried downloading the file and double clicking to open the installer.
When I do this for git-, I receive an error:
So I tried to download/install perl-Git-, which gives me this error:
it looks like a circular dependency? How can I get around it?
Last edited by Scott; 09-26-2013 at 03:49 PM..
Reason: Code tags
Not sure if this is a company system or not. If not, you could add the RPMFusion respository and git should be available from there, along with tons of other packages.
If it's a company system, then you may want to check to see if there is an internal Satellite system that your box can be registered with to install additional software.
It is a company laptop, but I have a lot of freedom. I added the RPM Fusion repositories, and ensured they were enabled in yum. However, the result is the same as before when I try to install or get a list of available packages with "git".
---------- Post updated at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:11 PM ----------
Finally figured it out. I enabled the rhel-6-desktop-optional-rpms repository.
Good morning I`m a fresh new user of RHEL, I have some problems to install the python`s package devtoolset.
Up to now I have tried with
# yum install devtoolset-4
which is the way suggested in all guide I have found.
But I get the message:
No package devtoolset-4 available.
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I am trying to install ASE 15.7 on RHEL 5 through VMWARE.
I added the user sybase, group sybase and followed the initial checks
However while trying to run the "./setup" file from the sybase user account, I get the below error:
-bash : ./setup Permission Denied
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yum deplist gcc
Now when I tried to install the very first dependency , it gave the below error, I guess something is wrong with YUM server itself :P
... (1 Reply)
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1) Download the ISO image from the Red Hat site.
2) Burn it into DVD.
3) Download boot.iso from Red Hat (Is this step required or ISO image can install RHEL 6.0 by itself?)
4) Start installation from DVD.
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I want to install RHCS on a remote RHEL machine. This machine is in amazon ec2, is there any way to do it without accessing the media?
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.1 (Santiago)
Thanks in advance. (1 Reply)
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Is it possible to install Redhat Linux Ent 5 (or other Linux distro) in sun solaris spark v220 ? If it is possible then plz help me to give any documentation .
Thx in advance ... ... (3 Replies)
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With virt-manager i can't chose media (for example /media/cdrom), because that reque URL for kickstart cfg. But Solaris have not kickstart =((( ?
Please i'm realy noob and need in your help ! ? ( (2 Replies)