Problem about NFS to change the share folder at several servers.

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Problem about NFS to change the share folder at several servers.
# 1  
Old 09-19-2013
Problem about NFS to change the share folder at several servers.


I re-wrote our scripts to speed-up the compiling time, original time is about 1hrs. now dispatch the sub task to different servers through SSH. Now my question is that:
If dispatch these tasks into the current server, there is no errors during compiling process.
If dispatch these tasks into different server, it will report the follow errors like that:
1. NFS file handle error
2. write NFS_share/out/xx/dd/ff/gg/hh/jj permission denied
Note that, each task will change its own xx's subdirs, no other task will change xx/, NFS_share/out is the same NFS directory for all servers mounted from the same NFS server.

How can this problem happen and how to fix it ?

Log as below:

bsptd_rrh8t_20_2500-cpl- Error: : System Error: Permission denied
dhcp-cpl- error: can't create ssrv/CMakeFiles/ssrv.dir/vobs/linuxrru/usl/pltf/ssrv/FileHandle.o: Permission denied
launch-cpl- error: can't create bci/CMakeFiles/bci-objects_list.dir/vobs/linuxrru/usl/pltf/bci/bci_menu.o: Permission denied
lec-cpl- dependencies of target lec
rs485td_rrh8t_20_2500-cpl- Error: : System Error: Permission denied
spitd_rrh8t_20_2500-cpl- Error: : System Error: Permission denied

Fei Xia Duan

Last edited by fduan001; 09-19-2013 at 02:00 AM..
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