Free() corrupted unsorted chunks

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Free() corrupted unsorted chunks
# 8  
Old 08-14-2013
Originally Posted by maverick_here
Since linux is small endian and Solaris big endian.
Endianness is a property of the underlying hardware's architecture, not the operating system. Saying that Linux is little endian or that Solaris is big endian is nonsensical. Both Solaris and Linux run on little, big, and bi endian architectures.

You did not provide any specifics, but my guess is that your situation involved serializing/deserializing across endianness, between Linux on a little-endian architecture and Solaris on a big-endian architecture, and that the script was a workaround which swapped bytes in a data file.

Perhaps improperly deserialized data is a factor in the OP's issue.


Last edited by alister; 08-14-2013 at 01:47 PM..
# 9  
Old 08-14-2013
Hi Maverick,

We could have checked so many areas including bit size, endianness, etc. But it is quite surprising that the program runs fine in linux env few times and suddenly throws error intermittently. we are trying to use "VALGRIND" tool now. If you have any other leads, keep me posted.

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