Email program using CRON

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Email program using CRON
# 1  
Old 09-06-2011
Email program using CRON

Hi Guys...

I have a bulk email program that sends out an email to a subscribed mail list.
The list contains around 2000 addresses.
My server is Centos 5 64bit
PHP 5.2
Mysql 5.1

The program is set to send emails in batches of 100.
Cron is set to run every minute

Now for the problem:
From a list of 2000 address, cron send multiple copies.
i.e. it can send as many as 3000 emails to 2000 addresses.

Can anybody think of anything that could cause this to happen.

John C
# 2  
Old 09-06-2011
First thing that comes to mind is an error in the way that you break the list into 100's. Please show that part of the code (at least).

It is difficult to diagnose a programming problem without seeing the code and sample data.
# 3  
Old 09-06-2011
Hi joeyg...

Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to try and help me.
I do realise that it is just about impossible to give a definative answer without much more information.
If you would like to help me, please PM me your email address I will send you the program so that you can take a look. It is around 650Kb, and would require installing on a Windows computer.
I will then be able to tell you what I am doing and you can see it at your end.


John C
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