All the Red Hat derivatives that I know (CentOS, RHEL, Fedora) have commands to configure the system. I never used them since I'm more comfortable editing the config files myself, based on templates, so I actually had to consult with Doctor Google on what they're called: system-config-xxx where xxx are various categories like network, ...
Hey how are you.
I'm a Solaris admin but I have been doing a lot of RHEL administration lately. No matter what UNIX or Linux distro I have work with, the /etc/resolve.conf file is used to point a server to the DNS server. If you don't want to use a editor like vi, then use this command.
Example your DNS server's IP is
This should be what you see;
You can also use the GUI.
System --> Administration --> Network
you can edit the the interfase in this GUI.
HI Forum,
i was trying to configure ipv6 on my centos box with 2 physical interface bonded as bond0.
what all things need to change?
Ben (0 Replies)
I am having a bit of trouble getting my CENTOS 6.5 DNS server to work correctly in our testlab environment. Lab network is in which we all access from && Here are my configs:
options {
listen-on port 53 {;;};
#listen-on-v6 port 53 {... (2 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
cant configure dns in virtual box. im using rhel6.3. i have a cd containing rhel which the professor provided us.... (2 Replies)
I was in process of developing a new script to configure a time zone. After some study I got the unix utility /usr/bin/tzselect to get the user inputs. Now I am able to configure the time zone depending on the user inputs except for the POSIX format.
root >/usr/bin/tzselect
Please identify a... (1 Reply)
hi everybody,
iam using 32 bit centos 6.2 on my machine. i have purchase TP-LINK, TL-WN727N wireless usb, but i was not able to install on my desktop. i was not able to find drivers for centos 6.2 official site of TPLINK.
$ uname -a
Linux workstation 2.6.32-220.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Dec 6... (0 Replies)
Please Give me Step by step Instruction Or Video Tutorial For installing and configuring Jira And Confulence in Centos 5.5 , What are the Requirements For Installing and Configuring , wht are the Softwares need for it to work perfectly ... pls reply thanks in advance ....
:wall: (1 Reply)
I am running Solaris 2.6 Server on a Sparc 10 and I was wondering how I can manually specify a DNS server to resolve hostnames. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
And also I have created a file in the /etc dir named defaultrouter and added th IP address of my router, but when I ping another... (15 Replies)
Hello evrybody
I need to know how i can implement and configure DNS server in solaris9 and i need to understand which files i modified it to do that
Thanks all (8 Replies)
My OS is sun solaris7,(sun sparc),i want connect inernet and my computer in my company intranet.After i configure proxy server,i still can't conncet internet.I guess whether the DNS is configured correctly.
who can help me???Thank you very much!!! (6 Replies)
hi to all.
I'm trying to use the sendmail command to generate some reports and I cant use it. The mails i try to send simply won't go out, instead I receive a response from the system sayng that the host is unknown.
I think the problem is in the DNS configuration (or the IMAP/SMTP servers).
... (3 Replies)