I have just installed RHEL 5.4 on a BL430c-class server and I am attempting to connect to the network only when I try and start eth0, I get the following error?
"Bringing up Interface eth0: hp device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization."
I am using a HP Ethernet Pass Thru Module on the back of my enclosure to connect.
I have tried adding the eth0 config using system-config-network but the HP NIC that I use does not appear to be listed on the list of interface devices?
---------- Post updated at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:42 AM ----------
Ok, I have just created the dir that was appently missing and have ran a "make install" against the src rpm and it has requested additional kernel-devel packages.
I have mounted my install DVD and located these rpm's but it will not install, giving the error that it is not an RPM package. Is there any way to install these packages from the install DVD or should I try and source them elsewhere?
Unable to make tape backup, please help.
/opt/ignite/bin/make_tape_recovery -a /dev/rmt/?mn -I -v -m tar -x inc_entire=vg00
* Creating local directories for configuration files and archive.
======= 04/25/16 16:28:08 IST Started /opt/ignite/bin/make_tape_recovery.
(Mon... (4 Replies)
Hi All,
Could anyone please help to resolve the below problem.
I installed RHEL5.5 in my desktop.But when i try to activate the ethernet connection then it gives me the error.
I spent 2 days for the above and go through with several suggestion found by googling. But no luck.
... (0 Replies)
In my 2 node cluster (sun cluster3.2) running on x86 VMs. One of my nodes VM1 does not have the global devices populated due to which i cannot failover my file system to node VM1 , what could be the reason for this and how can i rectify it ?
VM1:/>cd /dev/global
-bash: cd: /dev/global: No... (1 Reply)
I need upgrade firmware for the device of p570, when I go to IBM FIX download website, there are a lot of device of p570 listed. How can I know what device I have on my p570? (4 Replies)
When I do 'service network restart' , I am getting the following error.
"3c501 device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization"
Can any one suggest me the cause/solution for this?
When I do 'lspci' it is showing the ehternet card as
" Ethernet controller"Marvell... (2 Replies)