I have a server running redhat 5.5 and it has one SAN device presented to it as LUN9. How can I clean up the remaining entries. I cannot afford to interupt the service. Please assist.
Long version: The different sd<x> devices represent different views on the same disk over different paths (hence *multi*-path). Usually you don't use these (because every one of them represents one single connection to the disk) but the multipath-device.
Your actual problem probably is that the additional devices mess up your LVM2 configuration. This is taken care of the following way:
The first layer to deal with the LUNs from SAN is the multipath-software. Make sure you give meaningful alias names in "/etc/multipath.conf". That makes administration a lot easier. I use <vgname>pv<nr> (like: "myvgpv01", "myvgpv02", etc.) for the disks. "/etc/multipath.conf" looks like:
This will create these disk aliases and the respective udev rules should create device mappings in "/dev/mpath" like this:
After getting this to work you have to configure the LVM2 by creating a filter-rule and a directory to look for possible PVs. The configuration file is "/etc/lvm/lvm.conf":
You should by now be able to use "pvscan"/"vgscan" to find your VGs and LVM2 should exclusively make use of the multipath devices.
I have a couple of questions regarding multipath.
If I do vgdisplay vg01, I see it is using 1 PV: /dev/dm-13
If I type multipath -ll I see dm-9, dm-10, dm-11, dm-12, but do not see dm-13. Is my vg01 multipathed? How can I actually know for sure?
Secondly, let's say this time vg01 says... (1 Reply)
What is the following output telling me?
fget_config -Av
User array name = 'BSNorth-DS4300'
Disk DAC LUN Logical Drive
hdisk4 dac3 0 TestDiskForAll
User array name = 'BSNorth-DS4300'
Disk DAC ... (0 Replies)
Hi folks.
When issuing a multipath -ll on my server, i see something that is bugging me...
# multipath -ll
2000b0803ce002582 dm-10 Pillar,Axiom 600
size=129G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=50 status=active
| |- 0:0:0:4 sdd 8:48 active ready running... (0 Replies)
I know the concept of multipathing, but would like to know how to configure multipathing in AIX.
or software/driver is by default present in AIX??????
How to find out wheather multipathing is configured in AIX?????
Manu (4 Replies)
I turned on the server multipathing:
# uname -a
SunOS caiman 5.10 Generic_141444-09 sun4v sparc SUNW,T5140
stmsboot -D fp -e
And after a reboot the server, multipathing is not enable:
# stmsboot -L
stmsboot: MPxIO is not enabled
stmsboot: MPxIO disabled
# ls /dev/dsk... (4 Replies)
we using emc storage which is conneted to M5000 through san switch.
we asign 13 luns but in server it is showing 22 luns.
i enable the solaris multipathing (MPxIO)
#more /kernel/drv/fp.conf in that file
#mpathadm list lu
it shows ... (2 Replies)
Basically the original configuration on my Solaris 9 server was two LUNs configured as Veritas file systems that were connected to a NetApp filer (filer1). These two LUNs are still configured on the server - but are not being used. They are there as a backup just in case the new... (0 Replies)
Hii Every One,
I am working on SUN server installed with Solaris-10,
1) I want to assign a vertual IP to a interface (ce1).
2) And with that vertual IP and one more interface (ce2), I want to do IP
So, kindely help me to achive above tasks by discribing... (2 Replies)
I saw your post on the forums about how to setup IP multipathing. I wanted your help on the below situation .
I have 2 servers A and B . Now they should be connected to 2 network switches . S1 and S2.
Now is it possible to have IP Multipathing on each of the servers as follows ?
... (0 Replies)
I have solaris 10 sparc. I installed a Qlogic hba card.
This card is connected on a brocade switch and the brocade is connected on 2 different controllers on a Hitachi disk bay.
I formated 2 luns. On my solaris system, i have 4 disk.
How to configure solaris 10 to fix the dual disk view.
... (4 Replies)