List all old files except 15 latest files

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat List all old files except 15 latest files
# 1  
Old 06-21-2011
List all old files except 15 latest files


Someone please guide me to tell me how do I print and later remove all old files in a folder recursively but keep only latest 15 modified files.

When I do - ls -tp | head -15

I get the list of last 15 modified files whereas I need the list of all OTHER files except these files.

Someone please guide me on this since its fairly urgent.

I wish to use find by something like -
find . \! -newer $`\(ls -tp | head -11 \)` -exec rm {} \;

find . -not -newer $(ls -tp | head -11) -print

Or anything that will make this condition work.

Thanks in advance,

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Start using code tags, thanks.

Last edited by zaxxon; 06-21-2011 at 09:04 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 06-21-2011
One way:
ls -t | awk 'NR > 15'

# 3  
Old 06-21-2011
Thanks Franklin, that was simply awesome and worked straight away!!!

Though I am actually having a bit of a problem here -

While in a certain directory, when I do -
find . $(ls -tp | awk 'NR > 15') -exec rm {} \;

It throws me errors saying, -
find: filename1: No such file or directory
find: filename2: No such file or directory
find: filename3: No such file or directory
find: filename4: No such file or directory
find: filename5: No such file or directory

Please give me a clue if you know how to fix it.

I have tried following though it didn't work.
find . $'(ls -tp | awk 'NR > 15')' -exec rm {} \;


Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Use code tags - checkout (B) in, thanks.

Last edited by zaxxon; 06-21-2011 at 10:35 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 4  
Old 06-24-2011
Thanks guys, it indeed worked!!!

However, I was wondering if its possible for it to run like a loop in recursive folders.

Below is what I tried to do though it didn't work out and I got "syntax error" message.

Line -

find . $(ls -tp | awk 'NR > 15') -exec rm {} \;
find . ! -newer $(ls -tp | awk 'NR > 15') -exec rm {} \;

If someone can shed more light on this, that will be really great.
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