httpd : You don't have permission

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat httpd : You don't have permission
# 1  
Old 11-05-2009
httpd : You don't have permission

i have httpd installed on RHEL5 webserver

but i have linked

#ln -s /rhelREPO /var/www/html/rhel5

/rhelREPO contains all 5cds of RHEL and it is a mount of /dev/sdb1

ip: :works /var/www/html/index.html content is in browser
ip: :does not work /var/www/html/rhel5/

You don't have permission to access /rhel5 on this server.

i have changed

</directory />

  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks    # i added Indexes
  AllowOverride None
 # i added next two line thinking it will work since the /rhelREPO is in / (root)

  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

</Directory >

</directory "/var/www/html">

  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
</Directory >

why is the directory not being indexed...

Last edited by pludi; 11-05-2009 at 03:14 AM.. Reason: code tags, please...
# 2  
Old 11-05-2009
First, either you made some mistakes when posting that excerpt from your httpd.conf, as you only have closing tags for the Directory directive, but no opening tags.

Seconds, in order for the web server to be able to access /rhelREPO, it needs the appropriate rights on that directory (at least read, and maybe execute).
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