Spacewalk. Problem with adding the channel

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Spacewalk. Problem with adding the channel
# 1  
Old 10-23-2009
Spacewalk. Problem with adding the channel

OS: Fedora Linux 11
Spacewalk: 0.6

Installed by manual:

I download special script ( for registarion client from CLI and added 3 channel with 32-Bit architecture and all OK:
Fedora 11 32-Bit
RHEL 4.7 32-bit
RHEL 5.3 32-bit

But when i try adding the channel with x86_64 arch, see next:

[root@satellite iso]# /home/kripton/Download/ \
--user=jess --password=12345 --label=rhel-5.3-x86_64 \
--name "RHEL 5.3 64-bit" --summary "64-bit RHEL 5.3 channel"

[root@satellite iso]# find . -name "*rpm" | xargs rhnpush \
--channel=rhel-5.3-x86_64 --server=http://localhost/APP \
-v --tolerant -u jess -p 12345
Connecting to http://localhost/APP
Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object' in <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> ignored
error: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: MD5 digest: BAD Expected(479190e94916168bdc15312eb8b20df1) != (047241ffa4ccab9fb231f67d313ad6ee)
error: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: MD5 digest: BAD Expected(87fda25e1b187ac59477906bca202b34) != (36523818d30765395df4978e9f8c65c7)
error: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: MD5 digest: BAD Expected(a47d32ff2c253906585c59b3283bef09) != (43cac26653a5804fc6dd816616772c40)									.........
Error Message:
    Package arch x86_64 incompatible with channel rhel-5.3-x86_64
Error Class Code: 50
Error Class Info: Invalid information uploaded to the server

xargs: rhnpush: exited with status 255; aborting

This channel don't register all RPMs from ISO image and i see 0 packets on Spacewalk => Channels Smilie Anybody can help me please? And sorry for bad english Smilie
# 2  
Old 10-28-2009
Today i tryed add SunOS Channel, and receive this :
$ rhnpush --server=http://localhost/APP --channel=solaris *.mpm --user=jess --password='12345'

Error Message:
    Package arch i386-solaris-patch incompatible with channel solaris
Error Class Code: 50
Error Class Info: Invalid information uploaded to the server

# 3  
Old 10-29-2009
Problem with RHEL 64-Bit is solved.
Thanks to community of Spacewalk Project.
You are must add key --channel-arch=channel-x86_64 to request command.

Problem with SunOS fixed same.

Last edited by jess_t03; 10-29-2009 at 03:11 AM..
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