Fedora booting in text mode (screen messes up)

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Fedora booting in text mode (screen messes up)
# 8  
Old 10-04-2009
That's should not really matter cause i run it at college and home, eventually get the same(also at home it's random, sometimes it even won't load, but that's not a problem i need to solve right now) anyway it is NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE at home and i don't know about college's pc. And it's Fedora 8
Sorry but it actually matters a lot. The nVidia driver is a binary blob. You need to find the correct driver for your particular kernel version.

okey, some1 gave me a hint that i can fix it with vga. how can i specify vga modes in grub?
Add vga=ask to your kernel boot command line. The valid modes are listed in this blog Project Plymouth
# 9  
Old 10-05-2009
Originally Posted by fpmurphy
Sorry but it actually matters a lot. The nVidia driver is a binary blob. You need to find the correct driver for your particular kernel version.

Add vga=ask to your kernel boot command line. The valid modes are listed in this blog Project Plymouth
Thanks a lot, it helped. added vga=769 to the kernel line.
And Thank you all for information shared.

Last edited by dimamu15; 10-06-2009 at 06:02 PM..
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