Media Player issue

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Media Player issue
# 1  
Old 08-06-2009
Media Player issue

Hi All,
I am downloading the VLc mediaplayer after that extract the tar file. in Desktop.
#tar -xvf filename.tar.bz2 file

After error was come out. I am using REDHAT 5.1 version. Please any body can help me or please provide the any media player regarding this issue.

Thanks in Advance,
# 2  
Old 08-06-2009
we can't read your screen from here. Post the errors.
# 3  
Old 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by mark54g
we can't read your screen from here. Post the errors.
Hi Mark
some thing changed. pls look the snp shot.
Media Player issue-screenshotpng
Media Player issue-screenshot-1png
# 4  
Old 08-07-2009
The error contains everything you need to know in order to fix it. Did you actually read the error?
# 5  
Old 08-08-2009
Hi Mark
Pls suggest me, how can i fix this error.

Thanks in Advance
# 6  
Old 08-08-2009
The error states you have an incompatible version of glibc. Update it and please read the errors. They are not there just to say "A Fatal Exception OE has occurred at 0x5FFCD9"
# 7  
Old 08-11-2009
Originally Posted by mark54g
The error states you have an incompatible version of glibc. Update it and please read the errors. They are not there just to say "A Fatal Exception OE has occurred at 0x5FFCD9"

Thanks Mark!!!
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