10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have the input file like this.
Input file: 12.txt
1) There are one or more than one <tr> tags in same line.
2) Some tr tags may have one <td> or more tna one <td> tags within it.
3) Few <td> tags having "<td> </td>". Few having more than one " " entry in it.
<tr> some td... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: thomasraj87
4 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am am one of these people that it isn't good enough just to say, "Here, try this...". it is important for me to understand how and why something works (or doesn't work.)
All that being said, I am trying to parse out a command that we use that was handed down to me by someone I can no longer... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: he204035
3 Replies
3. How to Post in the The UNIX and Linux Forums
Hi All,
Please help me and guide me to write a bash/shell script on Linux box to delete parent entry with all their child entries.
Parent is :
dn: email=yogesh.kumar@wipro.com, o=wipro, o=in
child is:
dn: cn: yogesh kumar, email=yogesh.kumar@wipro.com,... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Chand
1 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Have a textfile (regular updated) with informations about datafiles .
Each line is describing a datafile. Now I am trying to delete several specific lines in this textfile, which are defined before in a kind of removal list.
Can not find the mistake I have done in the script because in the... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: jurgen
5 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I use awk but not as a programming language. Just generally in piplelines to split things out by fields.
I am trying to accomplish this one thing that I think a short awk routine would do great for, but can't figure it out.
Lets say I have a file that contains database columns. The file... (25 Replies)
Discussion started by: fwellers
25 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello experts,
I need some help here..
I've written the following routine to check for existence of files. The routine does the following. It will look for a compressed ( .Z ) file and if it exists, then it will uncompress it, if it is already uncompressed, then it will just diplay a message... (9 Replies)
Discussion started by: kamathg
9 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
hi all,
I wanted to know how we can copy files to dirs, through a routine and when the file and the dir are specified as parameters for that routine and explicitly called?
Eg: suppose i want to copy file1 to /tmp then
myproc /path/file1 /tmp/
These parameters when... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: wrapster
4 Replies
8. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
hi all,
I wanted to know how we can copy files to dirs, through a routine and when the file and the dir are specified as parameters for that routine and explicitly called?
Eg: suppose i want to copy file1 to /tmp then
myproc /path/file1 /tmp/
These parameters when... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: wrapster
1 Replies
9. UNIX and Linux Applications
I have a simple gnuplot question. I have a set of points (list of x,y,z values; irregularly spaced, i.e. no grid) that I want to plot. I want the plot to look like this:
- points in map view (no 3D view)
- color of each point should depend on its z-value.
- I want to define my own color scale
-... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: karman
0 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
in windows machine...
C:\2\test>perl -version
This is perl, v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)
what is the difference b\w subroutine calls:
... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: sekar sundaram
2 Replies