Perl DBI install with gcc compiler

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2002
Perl DBI install with gcc compiler

I want to install the Perl DBI module on to
my solaris ultra 10.

Solaris ultra 10 does not come with a C compiler
so I downloaded gcc compiler.

Then I ran install as follows:
# cd DBI-1.30
# ls
blib          DBI.xs        Driver.xst    Perl.c
Changes       dbi_sql.h     Driver_xst.h  Perl.xs       ToDo
dbd_xsh.h     dbipport.h    lib           Perl.xsi        dbiproxy.PL   Makefile      pm_to_blib
DBI.c         dbish.PL      Makefile.PL   README        DBIXS.h       MANIFEST      t
# perl Makefile.PL
*** Note:
    The optional PlRPC-modules (RPC::PlServer etc) are not installed.
    If you want to use the DBD::Proxy driver and DBI::ProxyServer
    modules, then you'll need to install the RPC::PlServer, RPC::PlClient,
    Storable and Net::Daemon modules. The CPAN Bundle::DBI may help you.
    You can install them any time after installing the DBI.
    You do *not* need these modules for typical DBI usage.

Optional modules are available from any CPAN mirror, in particular

Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_01basics_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_02dbidrv_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_03hleak_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_04mods_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_05thrclone_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_10examp_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_15array_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_20meta_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_30subclass_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_40profile_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_60preparse_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_70shell_pp.t 
Creating extra DBI::PurePerl test: t/zz_80proxy_pp.t 
Writing Makefile for DBI

    Remember to actually *read* the README file!
    Use  'make' to build the software (dmake or nmake on Windows).
    Then 'make test' to execute self tests.
    Then 'make install' to install the DBI and then delete this working
    directory before unpacking and building any DBD::* drivers.

# make
cc -c   -xO3 -xdepend     -DVERSION=\"1.30\"  -DXS_VERSION=\"1.30\" -KPIC -I/usr
/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/CORE -DDBI_NO_THREADS Perl.c
ucbcc: unrecognized option `-Xs'
ucbcc: unrecognized option `-KPIC'
ucbcc: language depend not recognized
ucbcc: Perl.c: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lucb: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lsocket: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lnsl: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lelf: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -laio: linker input file unused since linking not done
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris -I/usr/perl5/5.00503 /usr/perl5/
5.00503/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap /usr/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/typemap DBI.xs >xs
tmp.c && mv xstmp.c DBI.c
cc -c   -xO3 -xdepend     -DVERSION=\"1.30\"  -DXS_VERSION=\"1.30\" -KPIC -I/usr
/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/CORE -DDBI_NO_THREADS DBI.c
ucbcc: unrecognized option `-Xs'
ucbcc: unrecognized option `-KPIC'
ucbcc: language depend not recognized
ucbcc: DBI.c: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lucb: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lsocket: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lnsl: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -lelf: linker input file unused since linking not done
ucbcc: -laio: linker input file unused since linking not done
Running Mkbootstrap for DBI ()
chmod 644
LD_RUN_PATH="" cc -o blib/arch/auto/DBI/  -G DBI.o     
ucbcc: DBI.o: No such file or directory
ucbcc: unrecognized option `-Xs'
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `blib/arch/auto/DBI/'

I think I may have to recompile the perl and
DBI module with the same compiler.

Can someone confirm this? Smilie
# 2  
Old 11-21-2003
E3500 and Ultra 10.

it has been a long while since i installed perl and DBI support useing gcc version: gcc version 3.1

i know i had some issues but it was resolved once i had the dependances needed ie: Bundle: DBI and Net:: Daemon.

as i recall you also have to have everything set up to connect to a DB when you test out the package.
# 3  
Old 11-21-2003
It doesn't appear that it is using your gcc complier:

# make
cc ....

Is /usr/ucb in your path?


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