C++ Problem, managing >2Gb file

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Top Forums Programming C++ Problem, managing >2Gb file
# 1  
Old 08-23-2002
Error C++ Problem, managing >2Gb file

My C++ program returns 'Disk Full' Message when I tried to manage a file larger than 2Gb. the process is very simple: based on a TXT file, the process combine the information generating another temporary file (generating the error) to fillup a database.

My FS, during the process, reaches 40%... So this is not really Disk Full. The 'ulimit' returns unlimited, and the 'largefile' is set.

Moreover I tried a 'cat' command to ""inflate"" the file, and use 'compress' and 'zcat', to test the environment. No problem was found.

Some friends said something about and API inside the environment, that I have not found it yeat.

Is there an internal problem, or is there some kind of adjustment in the C++ code to be able to manage >2Gb file.
# 2  
Old 08-23-2002
What OS and version? C++ version?
# 3  
Old 08-23-2002

OS : hpux 11 64bits

C++ :

swlist | grep C++
B3913DB B.11.01.06 HP aC++ Compiler (S800)
PHSS_20055 1.0 HP aC++ runtime libraries (aCC A.03.25)
# 4  
Old 08-24-2002
Are you putting the compiler into LP64 mode? If you don't longs and pointers will 32 bits long. From the man page:

To generate code for PA-RISC 2.0 for 64 bit or
wide mode specify +DA2.0W. This option defines
the preprocessor symbol __LP64__ and also selects
the correct path for 64 bit system and language
# 5  
Old 08-29-2002

With the information provided, I've found the necessary parameters and objects.

Thanks a lot.
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