Tcl - SOAP Problem

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Old 02-22-2008
Tcl - SOAP Problem


Im working with client side Tcl implementation on unix box of web services, to login to a tool with web service method written in C# on windows box and it is accessed by its link from the browser on unix box.

Sorry that i have hidden the original names for security reasons.

Using SOAP im trying to access 'Connection' method of the web service which
has 3 arguments URL, Username and password.

The code for SOAP implementation is:

package require SOAP

SOAP::create Test \
-uri "" \
-proxy "http://<ip address> /link.asmx" \
-name Connection 	-action "" \
-params {url string username string password string}

The method is called as:

Test "" "username" "password"

On calling the method as the way specifed above it is throwing the following

ERROR {EXCEPTION {System.Runtime.InteroptServices.COMException (0x80040154)
: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154
at API.ConnectionClass.Init (String ServerName)
at A.B.Connection(String url, String username, String password) in
<PATH> \File.cs.line 31}}
Additionally i tried the Tcl code with "?WSDL" option which also does not

There is also no change from using in the '-params' tag of defining the
three inputs as string with quotes/without quotes.

I suspect there is some mistake in my code in forming the method in my side
of implementation in Tcl.

Please let me know what may be the reason for this error as the method works fine from browser.

Also i found that the webservice is working fine for getting any data from server and only if i give any input to the server it is not even reaching the server end.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by SankarV; 02-22-2008 at 06:49 AM.. Reason: additional information
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