Proc problem

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# 1  
Old 03-16-2002
Proc problem

Hello all ,
We have a c program ,
it is running well on AIX .But when we run it on
AIX version the program exit when it begin to do this
command : Exec sql connect .

N.B: The version of C compiler is :4.2
Database :Oracle8

thanks in advance .
Elie .
# 2  
Old 03-16-2002
Is it the same version of the compiler on both version of AIX? Normally you can compile on the older version (4.1, 4.2) and it should run on 4.3 but going the other way you may have new additions to the compiler that weren't in the old. Going backwards probably doesn't work and you would need to compile and possibly re-code for the older 4.2 version of AIX.
# 3  
Old 03-22-2002
After puting the trace_level_client=16
the following trace file was generated:

New trace stream is "/u01/oracle8/precomp/demo/proc/cli.trc"
New trace level is 16
nigini: entry
nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
nrigbi: entry
nrigbni: entry
nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora
nrigbni: exit
nrigbi: exit
nigini: exit
niqname: Using nnfsn2a() to build connect descriptor for (possibly remote) database.
nnftboot: entry
nnftboot: exit
nnfoboot: entry
nnfoboot: exit
nnfoboot: entry
nnfoboot: exit
nnfhboot: entry
nnfhboot: exit
nncpmlf_make_local_addrfile: construction of local names file failed
nncpmsf_make_sys_addrfile: system names file is /u01/oracle8/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
nncpcin_maybe_init: first request sent to name server will have ID 0
nncpcin_maybe_init: initial retry timeout for all name servers is 1500 csecs
nncpcin_maybe_init: max request retries per name server is 1
nngsini_init_streams: initializing stream subsystem, cache size is 10
nngtini_init_msg: initializing PDU subsystem, initial pool size is 2
nncpcin_maybe_init: default name server domain is [root]
nnfun2a: entry
nnftqnm: entry
nnfcagmd: entry
nnfcagmd: Attempting to find metadata for type a.smd
nnfcagmd: Attribute name a.smd is a predefined meta type, syntax is 4.
nnfcagmd: exit
nnfotran: Checking local tnsnames.ora file
nnfotran: Checking local tnsnames.ora file
nncpldf_load_addrfile: initial load of names file /u01/oracle8/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
nncpldf_load_addrfile: success
nnftqnm: Using tnsnames.ora address (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= mirror)(Port= 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = icbs))) for name icbs
nnfcraa: entry
nnfun2a: Obtaining answer records for icbs
nnftans: entry
nnfcran: entry
nnfcran: 64 rrs requested, 1 remaining, 1 total
nnfcran: exit
nnfotrv1: entry
nnfotrv1: translated "icbs" to (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= mirror)(Port= 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = icbs)))
nngsdei_deinit_streams: deinit
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored
nngscls_close_stream: UID 0 not established, ignored

Thanks for your help,Elie.
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