creating GUI using C programing in unix server

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# 1  
Old 01-22-2008
Power creating GUI using C programing in unix server

I want to write GUI using C programing in Unix server. But I can not use windows.h header file.

I want to create some text box using C programing.

Please suggest me any sample code or tutorial for this purpose.

I do not know any thing about GUI programing in C language.

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 01-22-2008
You may want to look the QT toolkit.
# 3  
Old 01-28-2008
Isn't the QT C++?
I would sugest you to take a look at xlib and how it actually works before trying to go directly to the code.
# 4  
Old 02-04-2008
First you need to understand the art gfx programming with UNIX -- see: X11 it is much more advanced and offers so much more

You can start taking a look at GTK or QT Toolskitsb ut that environment is very bloated look for XAW and example if you have a quick job.
# 5  
Old 02-19-2008

Hey, Gtk+ for "C" and gtkmm for C++ would be a good thing to use. Its good and i have worked it for a while. Gtkmm is pretty much in its initial stages so it would be a good idea to use Gtk since you want to program using C. Lots of Linux interfaces are created using this. I have a book but am not able to find it, will let you know about the author in sometime!

# 6  
Old 02-19-2008
Did you try using curses library ? Its not GUI but CUI.
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