Join Date: Oct 2001
Last Activity: 5 November 2003, 12:48 AM EST
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my program occur core when running.
Thank you very much for your answer in time.
my program is right running in SCO unix , but occur core running in HP-UNIX of HP 9000 machine . I bethink of your last time reply my question about #pragma pack() in include header file, say HP cpu not support data order when processing data,but in my program , have many similar the follow sentences:
iSerielNo = *(int *)(szReceiveBuf + 2);
*(int *)(szReceiveBuf + 2) = iSerielNo ;
I suppose HP 9000 machine not support this forcing evaluating sentence , occur core in running ?
others , as:
fread( (ST_SYS *) &stSys , sizeof(ST_SYS) , 1, fp) ;
ST_SYS is a structure variable , may I use the using ?