Printing Dots in specific Locations in the Console ?

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Top Forums Programming Printing Dots in specific Locations in the Console ?
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Old 01-13-2008
Error Printing Dots in specific Locations in the Console ?


#pragma once

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Point
	int x;
	int y;

	Point( int x, int y );
	Point( const Point &xPoint );

	void setX( int x ) { x = x; }
	int getX() const { return x; }

	void setY( int y ) { y = y; }
	int getY() const { return y; }

	Point & operator = ( const Point &xPoint );

	bool operator == ( const Point &xPoint ) const;

	bool includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const;
	bool includes( const Point &xPoint ) const;

	void draw() const;



#include "Point.h"

Point::Point( void )
	this->x = 0;
	this->y = 0;

Point::Point( int x, int y )
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;

Point::Point( const Point &xPoint )
	this->x = xPoint.x;
	this->y = xPoint.y;

Point::~Point( void ) {} // Destructor 

Point &Point::operator = ( const Point &xPoint )
	if( this != &xPoint )
		this->x = xPoint.x;
		this->y = xPoint.y;

    return ( *this );

bool Point::includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const
	return ( this->x == cord_X && this->y == cord_Y );

void Point::draw() const
	cout << '.';

bool Point::operator == ( const Point &xPoint ) const
    bool isEquality = false;
    if( this->x == xPoint.x && this->y == xPoint.y )
	isEquality = true;
    return isEquality;



#pragma once

#include "Point.h"

const int MAXPoint = 100;

class PointCollection
	Point pts[ MAXPoint ];
	int quantity;

	PointCollection( void );
	PointCollection( const PointCollection &xPointCollection );
	~PointCollection( void );

	// To know how many Points are
	// the collection
	int size() const; 

	PointCollection operator = ( const PointCollection &xPointCollection );

	PointCollection &operator + ( const Point &xPoint );
	Point &operator[]( int index );
	const Point &operator[]( int index ) const;

	bool isFull() const;
	bool isEmpty() const;

	bool includes( const Point &xPoint ) const;
	int indexOf( const Point &xPoint ) const;



#include "PointCollection.h"

PointCollection::PointCollection( void )
	this->quantity = 0;

PointCollection::PointCollection( const PointCollection &xPointCollection )
	this->quantity = xPointCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity ; i++ )
		( this->pts )[ i ] = ( xPointCollection.pts )[ i ];

PointCollection::~PointCollection( void ) {}

int PointCollection::size() const
	return ( this->quantity );

Point &PointCollection::operator []( int index )
	return ( ( this->pts )[ index ] );

const Point &PointCollection::operator []( int index ) const
	return ( ( this->pts )[ index ] );

PointCollection PointCollection::operator =( const PointCollection &xPointCollection )
	this->quantity = xPointCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity ; i++ )
		( this->pts )[ i ] = ( xPointCollection.pts )[ i ];

	return ( *this );

PointCollection &PointCollection::operator +( const Point &xPoint )
	(*this)[ this->quantity ] = xPoint;


	return ( *this );

bool PointCollection::isFull() const
	return ( this->quantity == MAXPoint );

bool PointCollection::isEmpty() const
	return ( this->quantity == 0 );

bool PointCollection::includes( const Point &xPoint ) const
	bool thisOne = false;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity && ! thisOne ; i++ )
		if( pts[ i ] == xPoint )
			thisOne = true;

	return ( thisOne );

int PointCollection::indexOf( const Point &xPoint ) const
	int index = -1;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity && index == -1 ; i++ )
		if( pts[ i ] == xPoint )
			index = i;

	return ( index );



#pragma once

#include "PointCollection.h"

const int MAXPAGE = 100;

class Page
	int heigh;
	int width;

	Page( void );
	Page( int width, int heigh );
	Page( const Page &xPage );
	~Page( void );

	void setWidth( int width ) { width = width; }
	int getWidth() const { return width; }

	void setHeigh( int heigh ) { heigh = heigh; }
	int getHeigh() const { return heigh; }

	bool operator == ( const Page &xPage ) const;

	void draw() const;



#include "Page.h"

Page::Page( void )
	this->width = 0;
	this->heigh = 0;

Page::Page( int width, int heigh )
	this->width = width;
	this->heigh = heigh;

Page::Page( const Page &xPage )
	this->width = xPage.width;
	this->heigh = xPage.heigh;

Page::~Page( void ) {}

void Page::draw() const
	bool included;
	PointCollection pc;

	for( int y = 0 ; y < this->heigh ; y++ )
		included = false;

		for ( int x = 0; x < this->width ; x++ )
			for ( int p = 0 ; p < pc.size()  && !included ; p++ )

				if ( pc[ p ].includes( x, y ) )
					pc[ p ].draw();
					included = true;

				if ( included )
					cout << ' ';
		cout << endl;

bool Page::operator ==( const Page &xPage ) const
	bool isEquality = false;

	if( this->heigh == xPage.heigh && this->width == xPage.width )
		isEquality = true;

    return isEquality;


#include "Page.h"

int main ()
	Point p1( 5, 5 ), p2( 1, 1 );
	Page pg( 15, 15 );



	return 0;


The Program Compiles but The problem is when i try to print the dot in the console using.p1.draw() it only prints a single dot in the console and not in the location that i want it to be printed...
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