Returning Strings from C program to Unix shell script

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# 15  
Old 11-25-2007
Originally Posted by bakunin
And, btw., don't use backticks, as they are an (outdated) abomination in the eyes of The Lord. ;-)
When was that edict decreed?
# 16  
Old 11-25-2007
I would strongly recommend reading Kernighan & Ritchie (K&R).
Basically C doesn't work like shell, and that book will give you an excellent grounding.
# 17  
Old 11-25-2007
Originally Posted by porter
When was that edict decreed?
I too was supprised by the "don't use backtick" comment but did some research

From Dave Korn's ksh93 manpage:

The standard output from a command enclosed in parentheses preceded by a dollar sign ( $( ) ) or a pair of grave accents ( ` ` ) may be used as part or all of a word; trailing new-lines are removed. In the second (obsolete) form, the string between the quotes is processed for special quoting characters before the command is executed

Aagh, the is always something new to learn!
# 18  
Old 11-25-2007
Originally Posted by fpmurphy
ksh93 manpage
Hm, so that may be true for "ksh" post 93, but what about "sh"?

I personally don't use [, or [[ as my goal is portability. Smilie
# 19  
Old 11-26-2007
hello all

i have the same problem,
i have a C program, i want to call this program from a Unix Shell Script ??

Help please ..

i tryed what you just said earlier but didnt Work... Smilie
# 20  
Old 11-26-2007
Post *exactly* what you tried between CODE markers.

Shell is rather strict about punctuation.
# 21  
Old 11-26-2007
Originally Posted by porter
Hm, so that may be true for "ksh" post 93, but what about "sh"?

I personally don't use [, or [[ as my goal is portability. Smilie
There is no "post 93" ksh as the version from 93 is the latest up to now.

Even in ksh88 backticks were included (per David Korns own admission) to be backwards compatible with the Bourne shell.

Still i can fully understand that using a 19 year old standard software is way too risky. You don't use English on your system but Latin, yes? ;-))

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