URGENT:::Can anybody help me in creating message queue appliction??

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Top Forums Programming URGENT:::Can anybody help me in creating message queue appliction??
# 1  
Old 10-29-2007
URGENT:::Can anybody help me in creating message queue appliction??

I had to implement a message queue application....between 30 processes......
all 30 proceses are getting data from serial port....

And here is THE FLOW::::::::1 connector process...which is linked with message queue to all the 30 applications. Processes get the data from serial port and do some operation on that data and then send it to the connector process.....

Connector process is polling again and again to check if there is data from any process and then Got that data from processes do further manupulations and then send data through socket (tcp/ip) to remote system acting as a server.........

After that server willl send some data to connector process....which connector process sends to another process........

So can anybody please provide me this kind of source code and how to implement it. ITS URGENT....
# 2  
Old 10-29-2007
Is this a real world application? If it is, isn't there anyone on your dev team that has the knowledge/expertise to actually plan the implementation?
# 3  
Old 10-30-2007
yeah its a real world application......
and there are members in my team....but nobody had suitable experience in that IPC mechanism(Message Queue)... thats why I am posting it in unix forum....
So please help me with suitable prgramming tips with some sample code......
thanks & regards.........
# 4  
Old 10-30-2007
I need regarding message queues...implementation.............
please provide me some sample code....so that I can understand it deeply...I had basic knowledge about it....
# 5  
Old 10-30-2007
Go to a bookshop and get a book like "UNIX Network Programming" by W. Richard Stevens. It is worth it's weight in gold and will answer this question and many many more. This is the bible for serious UNIX programming and even got a mention in Wayne's World.
# 6  
Old 10-30-2007
thanks for the suggestion.....I already had that book...and I had theoritical knowledge about message queues......

But I want its implementation... how to implement that....So I need some code ..that can help me in implementation.

thanks & regards
# 7  
Old 10-30-2007
If you have theoretical knowledge of message queues, what more do you want? You already know how to write the code, so just write it. You are just asking for someone to code your application for you, which is unrealistic.

I mean, people have written code before, pointing out specific errors or suggesting improvements. But you are basically asking for an entire application - albeit in the form of 'sample code'.

Also, could you stop the excessive use of '...' in your posts? It is a bit annoying and distracts from the actual subject matter of the post.
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