parsing string in c

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# 1  
Old 10-24-2007
parsing string in c

how can i remove the special characters
hi iam print the string variable .
printf("******* %s ********** %d ",str,strlen(str));

output as:
****srinu ******** 5

phani******** 63
****srinu ******** 5

phani******** 63

so my problem is how can i thedata "phani" from .


phani******** 63

thank u ,indavnce
# 2  
Old 10-24-2007
Which characters do you want to remove?
# 3  
Old 10-24-2007
look at these
i thins i want to remove spaces and special characters .
so finally i want "phani " as a output.
thank u,
# 4  
Old 10-24-2007
how much do you know about C programming?

I would have a function which determines whether a character should be included.

Then have

char *src=str;
char *dest=str;

while (*src)
     char c=*src++;
     if (valid_char(c)) { *dest++=c; }

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